Scrub The Decks

      Ilona marched across the deck of her ship towards where she knew the men would be scrubbing.  As she did, she worked to try to build up her confidence.  Pierce Vane had a way of getting under her skin and making her question herself.

      He also had a knack for drawing her men's attention to her failings, and that was even worse.

      She climbed the few wooden steps that led to an upper deck.  Before she was even able to see anything, she could hear the familiar sound of rough bristle brushes on wood.

  Ilona had spent countless hours of her life on the task of scrubbing the decks of her parent's ships, usually when she was in trouble for one thing or another.  It was back-breaking work that made a sailor question why they ever went to sea at all.

      Stepping onto the deck, Ilona came to a stop and took in the scene in front of her.