
      Ilona lay in her bed tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

      Mason had kissed her.  He had held her in his arms and kissed her.

      Now she could think of nothing else.

      They had been kissing when the wind finally came, and the ship had erupted into cheers.  Ilona had shoved him away from her before they could be caught.  Moments later, they were surrounded by excited crew members, and she had been swept away to the helm while he was called on to help with the sails.  They hadn't seen one another again before Ilona retired for the night.

      Now, she badly wanted to see him.  She wanted to go to him in his cabin and kiss him again.  She wanted to touch him and feel him touching her.

      Ilona groaned and rolled over, pressing her face into her pillow.  This was madness.


      After a long day of hard work in the heat, Mason slept soundly, but his dreams had come wild and bright.