The Wind Returns

      As the day grew later, the wind grew stronger.  The men worked hard in the rigging to keep each of the sails open and catching every bit of breeze they could.  They had drifted far off course and needed to get back on track before they ran out of food and water.

  Ilona took the wheel to steer the ship herself so Nick could go aloft and help the others.  The seas weren't too rough yet, but she still had to put her back into it to turn the wheel and keep the ship steady on its course.

      Mason was high above, working with the crew to keep the sails open and the lines steady.  He had never worked closely with Nick before and was thankful Jamie was there to be a buffer between them.

      "This fool needs to climb back to the deck before he falls.  He can leave the sails to the men that know what they're doing."