Troubled Waters

      Ilona followed Jamie up onto the decks, and the rest of the men were right behind her.  She could tell what was wrong before she'd even made it to the top of the stairs.

      It was still fairly dark even though the sun would be rising now.  The air was cool but still.  A thick blanket of fog had fallen over the ship.  Ilona looked up and swore when she realized she couldn't make out the sails or rigging overhead.  She closed her eyes in an attempt to calm the fire that was her temper igniting.


      There was a moment of near silence as the men murmured and the waves splashed against the ship.  Then it was interrupted by the sound of footsteps rushing across the deck.

    "Aye... Captain," Sam Thatch panted, coming to a stop before Ilona.

      "Why wasn't I notified that we were sailing in such conditions?"