Abandon Ship

      As the storm blew the ship around on the water as it pleased, Ilona remained at the helm, steering as best she could.  Her men scrambled for the longboats and began hauling them towards the rails.  The ship was sitting low in the water now, and every wave that splashed over the deck only dropped it lower.

          The rain lightened just enough Ilona could see her decks easier.  She watched as the first boat was lowered over the edge of the ship, loaded full of men.  She said a quick prayer that they would make it to land safely.

      A Captain never wanted to make the order to abandon ship, and Ilona was no different.  It meant leaving everyone in small boats, separated from one another, and in the middle of the ocean on rough waters.  It was dangerous.  It also meant the loss of all the goods in their hull and the loss of the ship itself.