The Captain And Her Ship

      The men hoisted the second boat over the rails, and more of the crew climbed in, including Jennings who's mass caused it to rock and the other pirates to grip the sides.  When the last man climbed in, they all looked up in surprise, not having expected ever to see Pierce Vane again.

      "You're lucky my sister is a better person than I am," Jamie hissed to the man as he began to lower the boat towards the water, "I would've left you here to drown."

      Pierce gave a yellow-toothed grin, his cold black eyes flashing with his amusement.

      "I don't know why Ilona let him go," Jamie complained to Nick and Mason after they had released the boat onto the ocean.

      "It was the right thing to do," Mason replied loudly over the rain.

      "We'll see about that," Nick countered.