Figs For Hope

      Ilona and Jamie walked on through the jungle, not sure what else to do.  They had both lost their appetite and interest in looking for food, but neither wanted to return to the cave and face the others.

      Face Mason.

      Ilona glanced at her younger brother and felt a stab of guilt when she saw his face.  She shouldn't have said what she said about Mason.  It didn't matter that it was true.  Her brother didn't deserve to have that weight on his shoulders.  The feeling that he would be responsible for his best friend's life.

      But she had been so upset and desperate for someone to understand.  Mason obviously wouldn't, and she wasn't sure about Nick.  Sometimes he could be sweet, but other times he was cold and logical like their brother Lucas.

      The thought of Lucas popped into her mind, and she realized she hadn't thought of him in a very long time.  She glanced at Jamie and wondered if she should talk to him about this.