Empty Nest

      Mason and Nick slipped out of the cave into the cool night air.  It was damp and smelled of rain.  Mason looked up at the sky where the moon was full and bright, but there were thin wisps of dark clouds beginning to gather around it.

      "Great," Nick sighed sarcastically, "Where did that come from?  The sky looked completely clear earlier."

      "I suppose it's blown in off the ocean," Mason commented as he studied the shadowy shapes, "But this will be good for us..."

      Nick frowned for a moment until a thought dawned on him, and a grin slowly took shape.  "Ah yes... Dragons do hate the rain."

      "That they do.  The dragons will be staying put in their nesting grounds to ride out the storm.  They'll be less likely to see us since they won't be moving around, and the rain will muffle any sounds we make as well."