[Bonus chapter]Last Meals

      "Here, love.  Have something to eat."

      Ilona looked up from where she was sitting on her blankets on the stone floor of the cavern.  Mason stood in front of her holding out a bowl of baked figs.  She stared at the bowl for a moment, contemplating telling him she wasn't hungry, but she knew he would worry.

      "Thank you," she said quietly, taking the warm bowl from him and holding it in her lap.  A smile flickered over Mason's face, but it was quickly gone again, replaced with his expression of concern.

      "You should eat too," she tried, "You'll need it more than I will."

      "I've already had plenty to eat today," he replied, "But you haven't eaten at all."

      He was right.  Ilona had awoken from a fitful sleep and found all of her troubles were still waiting for her.  Anja's words were still fresh in her mind, and the man she loved was still going to be marching off to fight a dragon.  Nothing had changed.