Taken Care Of

      Their last day went by achingly slow and unbelievably fast all at once.  Mason spent a lot of time going over the plan's details with the men and trying not to worry Ilona.

      Nick, Jamie, and Sam had gone to the shipwreck early that morning and gathered anything left that they might be able to use in their attack.  With the rain and the salt from the sea, there wasn't much left, but they did find a few more weapons.  Anja had also told them where she had stored away extra medical supplies, and they were able to return with a crate of those as well.

      As the skies grew darker and the sun sank towards the horizon, a hush fell over the cave.  Even Pierce Vane and the men loyal to him were quiet.  As Mason looked around the cavern, his eyes moved over the faces of all the men he would soon be leading into battle.  The thought of it made him feel sick.