
      Neither Mason nor Ilona could sleep well that night.  They cautiously returned to their little cave, no longer feeling the sense of safety they had before.  Their happy little haven didn't exist for them anymore.

      Ilona didn't have to think up a reason to avoid getting too close to Mason.  They got in their bed, and he pulled her into his arms but didn't try anything else.  She curled up against him and waited for the sound of his breathing to change, signaling he'd fallen asleep, but it never did.

      "You should try to rest, love," she whispered after a while, watching the dancing shadows the fire cast on the walls.

      "I can't," he murmured his reply, "I have too much to think about."

      "What are you thinking about?  The dragon?"

      "How I'm ever going to keep you safe," he sighed.

      Ilona moved then, propping herself up on his chest so she could look down into his eyes.