When We See It, We'll Know

      Mason stood on the edge of the cliff with the few remaining men.  They were dirty, injured, and exhausted, but they wore looks of relief on their faces.  They had done it.  Against all odds, they had managed to defeat their second dragon.

      Stepping close enough he could get a clear view, Mason looked down into the ocean below and saw what was left of the beast.  She would not be coming back to try to kill them.  He looked up across the horizon and felt his worry return.  The sun would appear at any moment, and then the other dragons would come to investigate what had happened.

      "We need to get out of here," he said to the men, "The other dragons could start arriving to investigate any second."

      "Where are we going to go?" Jamie asked, "The path back down to the cavern is almost completely exposed.  The dragons will be able to see us as we try to run away."

      "There will be too many to fight at once and too few of us," Nick added.