The Thing She Found

      Mason and the pirates moved slowly through the jungle towards the beach. They were all still tired and very sore, but now it was their hunger and thirst that drove them on. For Mason, it was also his need to see Ilona, hold her in his arms again, and know she was safe.

      When they were close enough to the ocean that Mason felt confident they wouldn't run into any of Pierce Vane's men, he veered the group back towards the path he would have normally followed with Ilona. As hungry as they all were, he knew they needed water even more.

      The skies were still dark when they came to the pool of fresh water at last. They slid down the bumpy stone wall and rushed towards their prize. The men fell to their hands and knees along the banks of the pool and didn't care about anything else at that moment. Some made cups with their hands and lifted the liquid to their mouths, but others simply stuck their entire faces into the water.