Safer Together

      The decision was made. The traitor pirates agreed to return at sunset and meet any of the others that wanted to join. It was clear Mason would be there, and because of that, Ilona would be joining them as well. Whether Mason liked it or not.

      The groups went their separate ways, Ilona walking quickly and Mason right on her heels. At first, the others hurried to keep up, but soon Nick put out his arm to stop them.

      "Let them storm off," he waved after his sister. "No reason the rest of us should have to sprint just because they're arguing."

      The others nodded and voiced their agreement. They finished the rest of the hike to their camp at a normal pace and didn't worry anymore about the quarreling lovers.


      "Ilona, you can't do this," Mason commanded as soon as they had returned to their cave. "You can't go up in the mountain after the dragon. It's too dangerous!"