Together Now, Together Later

      The water in the pool was still chilly from the rain, but that didn't deter the couple from going in it. They barely made it to the banks before they were pulling off one another's clothes. They had started to pull off their boots, belts, and anything else that was expendable as soon as the pool came in sight. Now there was a trail of discarded items behind them.

      Mason dropped into the water first, hissing through his teeth when the cold hit him. He held out his arms for Ilona, who pulled her hair free of its braid before going to him. She gasped when the cold waters touched her skin, but Mason quickly locked his mouth to hers in a kiss before pulling them both under. When they came up moments later, she was clinging to him and shivering.

      "W-We have to get out," she stammered. "It's t-too cold." 

      "Oh, no no no, love," Mason smirked, "I was promised a wash if I agreed to let you go with me tonight."