It Will Work

      Nick joined them in their work, all of them throwing as far and as hard as they could. If anyone missed, Jamie, the lightest, would scurry up the side and retrieve the bone, chucking it the rest of the way. Mason took out his knife and cut the bundles free from the other men's backs, throwing them over as well, just to be safe. With all of them working, the remaining bones were rapidly disappearing.

      Mason checked the sky in the smoke's direction after every throw. The plume was growing thinner and lighter, signaling that the fire must have been burning out. He knew that meant their time was running out as well. As soon as the dragons lost interest in the distraction, they would be back. And if the pirates weren't hidden away again by then, their lives would be taken.

      "Mace!" Ilona gasped, catching his attention. But Mason didn't look towards her. He knew her gaze would be on the same thing his had been on.