The Rainy Season

      Days passed and life on the island went on in the new, calm, normal. Mason and Ilona told her brothers, mother, and Sam Thatch about their exciting news. It wasn't long after that every pirate on the island knew, although no one would take responsibility for the telling.

      Knowing his wife would have a baby soon, Mason began to grow even more anxious about being stuck on the island and desperate to find a way off. He met with Henry and some of the other builders and they came up with a plan to attract the attention of any ship that might pass by.

      With a lot of work, they managed to remove the tallest mast that was still intact from the shipwreck. They also gathered the largest sail that they hadn't repurposed. The men worked together to carry it all to the highest point on the mountain. The place where they could look out and see the ocean in every direction.