A Ship

      "W-What are you talking about?" Mason stammered as more men rushed in behind them. Ilona was quick to join them, carrying cups of the steaming tea.

      "Here," she said, "drink this so you don't freeze."

      "There's no time!" Jamie gasped. "There's a ship! We can see it off the beach!"

      "What?" Ilona almost dropped the cups she was holding.

      "We tried to light the signals," Nick panted, "but we can't. The wood is too wet. Everything on this whole damned island is soaked!"

      "What do we do?" one of the other men asked.

      "We have to get their attention!"

      "L-Let me think," Mason stepped back as his head spun. He didn't know what to say. He couldn't believe this was happening. If they lost their chance to stop the ship because they couldn't light their fire, he would never forgive himself.