Escaping The Keep

The Count smiled smugly at her action though. "Guards...Kill the soldiers and take Pavitra bed chambers."

Pavitra was thoroughly disgusted at what he had just said. Clearly, he had forgotten that they were right next to each other as well as Pavitra being a mage as well. While this was all going on, the general and his two subordinates and rushed over to help Pavitra's soldiers.

Then the adventure next to the Count sprung out of his seat holding two daggers in his hands and rushed to Pavitra. The grin on his face was filled with greed and lust as he gazed at her Pavitra.

Pavitra herself, quickly teared the dress up a bit so that it was a tad bit easier to move, and then she raised both of her arms into a basic fighting stance. The adventure soon reached and both of his daggers snaked around trying to cut into her.

Pavitra herself, paid no mind to the movements of the daggers and instead ignored them all and sent her fist flying forwards in a swift jab. It caught him unprepared and clipped his chin, dazing the adventure a little. She didn't waste any time and took the chance that she had suddenly made. Landing two more swift jabs onto his head, then as he was now dazed even more. She grabbed ahold of his shift and dragged him down, before bringing her knee up crashing into his head once more.

The poor adventure soon collapsed to the ground unconscious. Pavita reached down and grabbed ahold of one of the daggers that had been dropped to the floor. By the time she had looked up, the Count had run out of the room, through a side door.

Looking around, the fight inside of the hall had ended as well. Her soldiers had made short work of the guards even though they were outnumbered. The general looked on at them in awe. "What soldiers exactly are you?"

One of the soldiers looked up at him and gave a quick salute. "We are soldiers of the ninth regiment General."

The general then looked on in shock even more. "You are the ninth? The children of fire?" The soldier just smiled a little and nodded his head.

The general still shocked a little then remembered Pavitra who was behind him. He quickly turned around to see what had happened only to see that she was perfectly fine and walking towards them.

The general then this time gave a full military salute. "I am Leiutuant General Bhim. It is an honor to meet you, your highness." Pavitra smiled and nodded at him. "It is my pleasure to meet you and also thank you for the help. Now we should get off the keep before we are surrounded. We just have to go and get my sword, from my quarters. Then we will regroup with my forces in the city and seize full control of the keep."

The General looked a little shocked at her words, he quietly asked, "How many soldiers do you have?"

Pavitra just smiled a little. "The ninth, tenth, and eleventh regiments. Though the first two have sustained casualties. Two mercenary companies, adventures, and a militia. Oh, also a force of mages who can be used for combat."

The general's jaws dropped. He didn't know what to say, in the end, he followed what Pavitra had done and grab some better weapons off of the dead guard's bodies. Then they all moved off out of the hall and towards her quarters. The soldiers took the back and front, while they were all in the center.

They reached her quarters without any fuss. Pavitra quickly flung the door open and grabbed hold of her sword. Then they all headed off towards the main gate.

As they were walking, the soldier who was in the front looked back and asked. "How are we getting through the gate, your highness?"

Pavitra thought for only a second, before replying.

"Like the river fort. I will blow the gate open and we will slaughter everyone who gets in our way." The soldier did not reply and just nodded his head. He was ready for this, in fact, he almost seemed a little excited for it.

The general and his subordinates just looked on and did not say a word. If they were honest with themselves, this was the first form of combat that they had ever seen. It was so scary for them, so they had each decided to themselves that they would just do as the Princess said, she was the one with experience after all.

Then they stopped and peeked just through a window. For now, the gate was surprisingly empty. There were no guards in front of the gate, just a load on top of the walls.

Pavitra took a deep breath, the indicated that they should go and quickly.

No one made a noise as they all darted across the courtyard. Quickly enough they reached the gate, as they did though, the Count came out of the main keep doors. Seeing them he hurriedly yelled out, "Stop them! Do not let them escape!"

Pavitra just looked back for a second as she raised up her sword and slashed straight up along the gate, cutting the lock and bar clean off. Then she muttered to herself and cast the same explosion spell, blowing the gate away. The two halves both flew off in a different direction.

Then they all raced out of the courtyard and into the city itself. Soon enough they heard the guards chasing off after them, with the Count's yelling behind them.

They used their advantage well and soon reached the streets of the city. Moving through the alleyways, they were able to lose their pursuers. Eventually, they all stopped. Each one of them was panting. As they were looking around, Pavitra quickly realized that they were in a dark and damp alley. She couldn't even see the street from where they were.

Looking at all of the darkness, she sent a small ball of fire into the sky.