The Awakening

Hearing the massive and one of the most important questions that could have been asked, asked so openly. Everyone was a bit shocked, then they all began to think. They had to get this at least answered perfectly or else problems could arise later on.

There were any problems to consider, such as space for growth. Supply of clean water as well as food supply. Then there was the more normal supply of raw materials, the one thing they did not have to worry about was people.

They had brought more than enough with them so that they could get started with the development of the city. As they just looked at the city directly, a supply of wood could be easily found from the woodland region. Stone could be taken straight from the valley walls, water, for now, could be taken from the stream. Though they would have to make sure that it was kept clean.

Pavitra had only considered of all that, she knew that there would be much more to deal with. Not to mention she had no real idea on how to run a state as well. Money for starters, she had no real idea on how to get that pumping. Her classes on rulership are more or less focused on marrying and children. There was also keeping control of the court, aside from that. The actual ruling she was never taught any of, she should not have even been taught how to fight. But when her powers awakened, everything changed.

She could still remember that day like it was yesterday.

It was her twelfth birthday. On this day, every person had to be tested for their magical aptitude. Her older brothers had not awakened anything at all. She was as a woman, expected to be just like them. After all, only men could rule and more or less do everything. 

The mage's had come from their hall's to test her, the one leading them she was told to call him. Archmage. No name was given for her to call him. 

When she arrived in her dress, she walked into the hall. By the throne were her father and a man she had never seen before. He had grey hair and had this kind smile on his face as he laid eyes on her.

He seemed a bit scary though. 

"Hehehe." Pavitra then giggled quietly out loud in the meeting as she remembered that little thought.

Anyway, as she walked up the hall, she could see Shourya standing there. He was in his cadet uniform! He was so proud of it and he could not wait to do the test which would be held tomorrow. As long as he passed he would be in the army properly! Though he would still have much more to learn. He gave her a little wave as she walked past.

I could not help but smile at him that day, although I got a small pinch from the maid who was behind me as I did that.

Then I reached the throne. Where my father and the weird man was.

I looked at the two, not really sure how this would work and what I should.

Father, looked back at me with the same warm eyes that he always had just for me. I felt special when he looked at me like that. Though I wonder how mama is? She would have loved to watch today I am sure!

Then the old man kneeled down in front of me. He then looked into my eyes. They were grey, they looked really hot! Not like father's who were warm.

Then the old man began to talk.

"My child, all you have to do is place your hand on the gem. That is it. Do you understand?"

I just nodded my head. It was really easy to understand and made loads of sense! Then he brought out the colourless gem, that he had for all of my brothers, at least the ones I could remember for anyway.

The old man, then brought it out so it was right in front of me. Nice and easy for me to reach.

Slowly I lifted up my hands and brought it over to the gem. It almost felt like as I did the whole room took a collective gasp of air. Then my hands touched it, I did not stop until my entire hand was pressed onto it.

Then I watched it, much like all of my brothers it did not change at all. Seeing this, I thought I was done and went to take my hand away. But as I did, I heard the voice of the old man. 

"Do not move." I did exactly as he said. Not moving at all. As I looked at the jewel, it began to change colour. Well, gain a colour. I could hear father, take in a breath as he saw that.

As I watched the jewel slowly begin, to gain colour. It started to feel hot, really git. I wanted to take my hand away, but now I found that I could not!

I quickly looked up at father! My eyes pleading with him. For some reason, I could not speak as well. I thought I saw someone behind father!

It was a woman! She was holding something, I could not tell what it was. Maybe a weapon?

No, he could be endangered. Then my vision went red. I snapped my attention back to the jewel, it had gone pure red. Like fire, it was at this moment that I finally was able to get my hand off of the jewel, as I turned to father. The woman who was behind him had disappeared. Now there was just an empty space.

Then the old man began to speak not to me though, but to the entire room. 

"Princess Pavitra. Has awakened her talent in fire magic! Her talent as you can see by the light is one of the highest that I saw. Therefore, she will be taken to the tower to be trained!"

However, I remembered my father refusing that. It was that event that changed my life forever.

As I came out of the memory. It seemed like some of my advisors, finally had come to a decision.