Tough Battle

Su Yuxin was shocked by this ability of alchemy book.

'If I don't become strong with all these treasures, then I would rather be a trash. Hmph!'

She then went to arena.

'Hmm, I should fight first with someone with my same level.'

Su Yuxin thought about it and then slowly a man who was also yellow warrior manifested before her.

Seeing her opponent before her, Su Yuxin didn't start attacking him right away. She waited for him to do the first move.

The man saw that she wasn't making any moves. So, he started attack her.

Both of them engaged in a ferocious battle.

Su Yuxin was at the disadvantage first cause her body was too weak and she wasn't used to using the spiritual energy.

As she fought with the man, she got better grasp at controlling her spiritual energy.

'I am getting better at controlling this mysterious power, but it isn't enough to defeat this man. I should use all my battle technique from past and see if I can get the advantage.'

Su Yuxin got more serious in the battle. Both side were wounded in the battle.

Su Yuxin left arm was bleeding badly.

'I should defeat him faster and treat this wound or else it might get infected.'

That man movement was getting slower as his spiritual energy was depleting.

Su Yuxin saw this as an opportunity.

Other people would need to go in meditative state and cultivate for a while to replenish their spiritual energy back.

But due to her contract with alchemy book, Su Yuxin could literally gather spiritual energy even when doing nothing.

You could say she had boundless spiritual energy.

This could be her advantage in the battle.

She collected a large quantity of spiritual in her palm and formed a spiritual ball.

She waited for an opening. The man tried to hit her in the left arm. Su Yuxin ducked her head and then hit that spiritual ball right at his right knee cap.



The man knee cap broke and he slowly disappeared in the thin air indicating Su Yuxin win at the battle.


Su Yuxin breathed a sigh of relieve.

"Phew! That was a tough one. If I didn't had boundless spiritual energy, I would have lost the battle. This body is indeed too weak."

Su Yuxin dragged her body to alchemy room.

She tended her wound and ate blood clotting and blood replenishing pills.

Her wound recovered in astonishing speed under her naked eyes. She couldn't help but sigh.

"This world pills always leaves me speechless. The recovery is so fast and there is no scar. Really freakish."

Su Yuxin then went back to train.

Battling again and again, taking pills, few breaks and again battling. This cycle went for a week in the alchemy book.

But only 2 days had passed away at the outside world.

Su Yuxin came out the alchemy book.

Her aura had become more sinister and chilling whereas her body had become more sturdier and stronger.

Su Yuxin had also breakthrough one realm and became green warrior.

Su Yuxin smirked and started stretching her body.

"I feel so much stronger. Hmm, I haven't visited Master. Oh wait, he might be freaking out cause I didn't came to meet him."

Su Yuxin started to change her clothes and did her hair.

She rushed out of her courtyard.

She saw Lu Xiu coming from outside toward her courtyard.

"Young Miss"

Lu Xiu called out to Su Yuxin.

"Lu Xiu, I am going out for a while."

Su Yuxin passed by Lu Xiu and walked toward to the gate.

"But Young Miss, Alchemist Yue is here for you."


Listening to Lu Xiu, she stopped walking and then turned around.

"Master is here?! Where is he??"

Su Yuxin walked toward Lu Xiu.

"Young Miss, he is with General Su. They are talking with eachother. He asked me to inform you in your chamber. So, I came here."

"Okay then. Let's go to meet Grandpa and Master."

Su Yuxin then walked toward her Grandfather courtyard. Lu Xiu saw her young miss walking toward courtyard. Then she ran hurriedly to follow up to her Young Miss.

Alchemist Yue and General Su were heartily talking with each other and laughing.

They looked like two old friends catching up with each other after really long time, but it was their first meeting with each other.

Then the door suddenly opened.

General Su and Alchemist Yue looked toward the door.

They both saw Su Yuxin standing by the door side.

Grandpa Su smiled warmly.

"Xiner, Come here."

Su Yuxin walked toward them and sat down at the side.

"Grandpa, Master."

"My Dear Disciple, why didn't you come to meet me? I thought something happened to you that's why you didn't come for two days. So I couldn't help but come at the residence to meet you."

Alchemist Yue looked at her and hold her hand.

Su Yuxin could see visible worry in his eyes and voice.

Seeing his earnest expression, she was touched.

"Master, after returning from the 'Thousand Herb' I went to seclusion. I just came out today and thought about you. I was going to rush there until Lu Xiu came and told me you were here with grandpa. So I rushed here after listening Lu Xiu."

"No worries, my dear disciple. As long as you are okay."

Alchemist Yue smiled.

"Xiner, you never told me you hailed a master."

Grandpa Su acted sad with a look of being abandoned.

"Are you going to leave your grandpa after finding a master?"

Su Yuxin was not good with human emotions. She sometimes had difficulty to understand them.

She though Grandpa Su was sad for real and got flustered.

"Grandpa, I never thought to do that. Don't be sad."

Su Yuxin rushed toward his side to comfort him.

Grandpa Su saw how flustered her granddaughter became and thought he was sad for real.

He let out a hearty laugh.

Su Yuxin was confused.

'Wasn't he sad a moment ago? Why is he laughing now? Is grandpa alright?'

Su Yuxin was overwhelmed by her thoughts.

Alchemist Yue saw that she dazed of So, he called her out.

"My dear disciple, your grandpa was only teasing you. Don't take his words seriously."

Su Yuxin snapped out of her thoughts and looked at Grandpa Su.

"Grandpa, you were joking?"

Seeing his granddaughter asking him innocently he couldn't help but pinch her nose.

"Yes my silly Xiner. I was just playing around with you. I know you won't bear to leave your grandfather alone."

Su Yuxin sighed in relief.

"Grandpa, don't scare me like that next time."

Grandpa Su smiled mischievously.

"I won't, Xiner."