Emperor Mu Fan

In the royal palace,

Crown prince, Mu Yi walked toward his father's chamber.

The guards were guarding the royal chamber when they saw crown prince, Mu Yi walking toward them.

"Greetings, Your Highness! Are you here to meet his Majesty?"

"Yes. Is my royal father inside?"

"Yes, your highness. Let me inform his majesty of your presence about wanting to meet him."


One of the royal guards knocked the door and informed the emperor about crown prince asking for his attendance. His majesty agreed and asked him to call the crown prince.

Mu YI walked to the door and knocked.


Mu Yi went inside and saw his father sitting in his chair Infront of his desk with a report in his hand.

Seeing his son coming in, Emperor Mu Fan stopped looking at his report and looked up.

"So, tell me why you are here, my son?"

"Father, Your Son doesn't want to marry Su Yuxin."

Mu Fan put down his report in the desk and fully focused on his son, Mu Yi.

"Why don't you want to marry her? You have to give a valid reason."

"Father, what reason do you want? You know she is no.1 trash of the Wu Kingdom. She can't even cultivate.

She is ruthless and arrogant. She hit people with no reason. Flaunts her riches and misuses her power.

Your son doesn't want to marry a girl like that."

"But son you know she has military power 'The General Mansion' behind her.

With her help, you can claim the throne easily and be a lot safer from all the scheming of those old foxes coveting the throne?"

"Father, your son isn't a small kid anymore. I can handle the affairs of the royal palace.

What kind of man can I be if hide behind the power of a girl? Plus Emperor is the highest authority of a kingdom, you can just remove those scheming ministers if they don't please your eyes."

"Things aren't that easy, My Son.

Although, I have the highest authority, I can't just dismiss my court people easily. I will need them to make the Kingdom stable.

So, son I hope you marry Su Yuxin, the young miss of General Mansion."

"Father, I don't want to marry that trash. And I am telling you this for the final time. I already have a sweetheart. I want to marry her."

"You should know that you're the crown prince of the Wu Kingdom, the dragon among men.

So, if you want to marry your sweetheart, she must have high status too. She will be the mother of the whole empire.

Therefore, there should be careful picking of the crown princess who will be the empress of the Wu Kingdom."

"Father, I know it. And my sweetheart is Xue Xian , the prodigy in cultivation."

"She might be a prodigy in cultivation. But my son, she isn't a noble but commoner picked up by The General Mansion.

As a plaything for the young miss, Su Yuxin. How can a commoner without a background be the crown princess? I don't approve this!"

"But father, there is going to be selection for inner disciple of the Blue Moon Sect. And Xue Xian is going to take part in it.

With her cultivation level, I am sure she will be the inner disciple of the sect. Then our Wu Kingdom will have Blue Moon Sect behind us."

"We still don't know if she will be part of Blue Moon Sect. And I still hope you don't marry her."

"Father, your son loves her and will only marry her.

If I can't marry her, I would rather die. I will never agree to marry that trash. You are the emperor. And I am your son. All others are just low lives.

Why should I curry favor the general mansion and marry their young miss, Su Yuxin? You can just take away their military power.

And give it to another trustworthy candidate."

"Son, I told you before. It isn't that easy. Even I, as the emperor have certain limitations to what I can do. All those soldiers only take orders from the Su Family.

Although I say its military power which belong to Wu Kingdom, but they aren't. They were all trained by General Su. Every single soldiers were carefully chosen by him.

They are Iron Army, the strongest and sharpest blade of the Wu Kingdom. Only those who have Su bloodline can control this force.

And Su Yuxin being the only last generation with Su bloodline. She will surely get her hands on the Iron Army leadership token.

I wanted you to marry her so you could get the token and take over the army. With how lovesick she is about you; she will surely give you the token.

Anyways, you don't want to marry her.

I had already given imperial edict back then. But let me try to talk it out with the general Su and Su Yuxin."

"Father, you have to do it. Your son can't marry that trash. I can't lose my dignity. You have to stop this marriage."

Mu Yi was shocked by the power behind Su Yuxin.

He was tempted to marry her as concubine then get his hand on the token and marry Xue Xian as his official wife.

But he thought his Xuer will be heartbroken, so he tried to dismiss these thoughts of his. But deep down he still had those thoughts lingering around.

'I will ask Xuer first and if she is fine with it. I will take that trash as my concubine. With her trash reputation It will be her fortune to be taken as my concubine.'

Mu Yi thought arrogantly like he is the strongest Emperor under heaven.

"Don't worry my son. I will give my best shot. Rest assured. Now go back. Don't disturb me. I have to do some things."

"Okay Father. Your son won't disturb your time anymore. I will be leaving."

Mu Yi turned around and walked back to his mansion.

Mu Fan stood up and walked toward the window. He looked down at the flower garden.

"Yier, I miss you. If we had our own kid, I won't have to look after this child born by that poisonous woman. But he is the only one with my bloodline left.

So I have to pamper him to pass down my legacy.

How much I hoped that we both would have a kid of our own who would be more strong and prodigious than Mu Yi. I am so sorry, I couldn't protect you nor our kid. Please forgive me , Yier."

A tear felled down from his eyes.