Testing Black Rose

Su Yuxin was in her yard practicing her battling skills when she remembered the gift that her master had given her.

'Right the Black Rose. I should try that weapon.'

Su Yuxin teleported inside the alchemy book.

She walked to her courtyard in the pavilion. She looked around then saw the Black Rose lying on the desk in the alchemy room.

She walked toward the desk and grabbed the Black Rose.

"Hisss, I almost forgot about it."

She caressed the stone like divine artifact.

'Hmm, Master Yue said that it would transform into any weapon I wished for and I just have to imagine what kind of weapon I want.

Too magical. Let's try it out. And see if it is indeed worthy to be called divine aritifact.'

Su Yuxin then went outside to the empty yard. She then holds the black rose in her hand. She thought of silver needles. Black rose enveloped in warm glow.

Afterwards it transformed into multiple silver needles.

Su Yuxin saw this happened right in front of her eye and was dumbfounded. Her eyes widened as she stared at those needles.

She already guessed that it would happen, but she still couldn't help but be astonished.

'I never thought I would get to hold one of those shapeshifting weapons in legends.'

They can wield any weapons according to the wielder's choice which grants the user a wide variety of metamorphosis based abilities.

'This world is too incredible. I have to get used to these or people would think I am some sort of country bumpkin.'

Su Yuxin laughed at her thoughts. She then focused on those silver needles. These needles were thin and long with really sharp needles on both sides. It was about 6 to 7 inches.

Su Yuxin admired these needles. The craftmanship of these are way better than the ones I used to have.

'How I missed these silver needles.'

They were light weight, easy to hide and would be great weapon if an attacker knows about acupoints and has great accuracy.

In her previous world, people only used these needles as a part of the medical apparatus for surgery, acupuncture, massages and more.

But for her it was both her medical equipment and conceal weapon to easily assassin someone.

At first it was also only a medical equipment only. Slowly she learned more about human body, their acupuncture points and easy way to kill people using these needles.

Only wielder with in-depth knowledge about medical properties could use these needles effectively and efficiently in a battle to incapacitate or even kill their target by aiming these needles at their vital spots of their body.

But the most fun way for Su Yuxin was to add poison in these needles and insert them in her target slowly torturing them to death.

Making them unable to realize what caused their death.

Even if they did find out they were poisoned, they would never know how they were affected by it.

Leaving them scratching their head while searching for the source of poison and eventually dying in pain with burning curiosity and hatred toward the unknown person who targeted them.

'I like being mysterious and solving mysteries.'

Su Yuxin giggled. It sounded like a pure innocent giggling until people realize the reason she did.

With the obvious mockery in her eyes for her stupid targets who died from her hands.

'Now I can wield these silver needles with the help of black rose. I don't have to visit an armament master to craft these.'

Getting her silver needles, Su Yuxin was in a joyful mood.

'This world only has sewing needles and no acupuncture needles. They probably also have no idea about acupuncture points. I guess this world is backward in medical knowledge. It's such a shame.

With all these spiritual herbs, I expected the medical field of this world to be exceptional. It doesn't matter, I have enough time to research about these herbs and make these pills more magnificent and powerful.'

Su Yuxin thought to practice swordplay as swords were also one of her favourite weapon. She then wielded a sword instead of these needles.

It changed into a blue-black colored sword which had a faint red light cold glow emitting a razor sharp and cutting aura.

There were few symbols carved into it with a picture of black rose which looked like it was alive. Its balance was impeccable, light and easy to swing in the air.

She gave few more swings then executed a dazzling and mesmerizing sword play.

She could feel the chilling and blood thirsty aura of the blade as she sliced the air.

'I like this sword. I can feel the blood in my body surging into boil. That kind of feeling was really intriguing.'

Su Yuxin licked her lips looking wickedly pretty. Her actions could cause any man to blush and have their imagination run wild.