Reborn Phoenix

"You said just now that you got these from an ancient tomb. Won't they be precious treasures then? Why are you selling them instead of keeping them to yourself?"

Su Yuxin asked him curiously.

The old man saw that the person before him believed his words and had curiosity peeked inside him about it.

He sighed and gave a weak smile.

"What if I found these? They were never destined to be mine. I had tried to plant these seeds, but I wasn't able to. There were some words carved in the ancient tomb.

It read 'Phoenix will rise from the ashes, possess these treasures and be the overlord of the world.' I am guessing it was meant for that person. As for the dilapidated books, I couldn't understand the words inscripted in it. Now, all I can do is sell these items."

Su Yuxin listened to the old man's explanation and lowered her head dazed in a thought.

"So, you mean only the destined person can grow these seeds?" She slowly muttered her thought.

"Maybe, But I think those are the actual meaning of those engraved sentences in the ancient tomb." He scratched the back of his head not really assured.

"Does that mean that if I am not the destined person, I won't be able to grow them? Wasting those spiritual stones, I paid you for them?"

Su Yuxin mouth twitched slightly as she looked up at him. Now she really felt like she is getting scammed really severely.

The old man felt the stifling aura that was surrounding the person before him. He let out a nervous laugh.

"Haha, I think young master is the destined person in those engraved words. You can probably find out the mystery behind these seeds and books."

Su Yuxin thought that since Xiao knew about these seeds. He will know how to help her grow them. She tried to reassure herself and calmed down.

The old man silently prayed that the person in front of him would buy these things.

Su Yuxin called out, "Wrap these up for me."

The old man was overjoyed after hearing her words. He looked like he grew some wings at his back, ready to fly away in happiness. He quickly wrapped the items for her.

Su Yuxin was amused by how the old man was acting. She waved her hand which had her spatial ring on it and 1 green spiritual stone and 1 orange spiritual stone appeared in her hand. She then handed them over to him.

The old man took the spiritual stones and saw an extra spiritual stone. He was about to give her back the orange spiritual stone but looked up to see no one. He looked around yet couldn't see the mysterious young man.

The old man lips curled into a smirk as he had his head lowered other people couldn't notice it.

'This old man guessed the right person. I wonder how the reborn phoenix with a soul from different world be the sovereign of this world. What interesting tremors will you create here, heh.'

If Su Yuxin was here right at this moment and could read his thoughts then she would be stupefied. No one knew that she was a reborn soul from a different place.

How did this old man knew her identity?!

The old man looked at the full moon which was shining really bright today.

Suddenly a gust of wind flew and the old man and the stall all disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Really interesting" a deep voiced man said as the words echoed in the road yet no body seems to hear him but could feel a sudden terrifying chill run through their spine.

The pale glowing full moon shone as the night became more darker and more deadlier. The owl hooted and the wolf howled. And the wind became more gustier.