Spiritual Food

The night was getting dark. The silvery white moon and the bright lanterns in the stalls were the only source of light in this deep night.

The streets were bustling with people, the street vendors were either shouting the items they had or the discounts.

The quiet footsteps of people walking around could be heard.

Su Yuxin in her black cloak was walking down the street looking around. She walked towards the inner region of the underground market.

As she was on her way she stumbled upon a highly reputable restaurant.

It was called "Scent of Spring".

This restaurant had the best spiritual foods. Its main headquarter was in Heavenly Phoenix Empire but its branches were all around nation, like the underground market.

The spiritual food here was twicely more expensive than outside yet the quality was really top notch. To the point, no one had complained about its pricing.

Su Yuxin smirked slightly.

'Its not people have never complained. Even if they want to, they couldn't, because one, they had a strong backing. Two, there has been rumors that few people who wanted to complain had their whole nine generations killed. Third, the spiritual food here are really worth the price. Those food have been made using all fresh spiritual ingredients.'

Su Yuxin walked inside the restaurant.

-Scent of Spring-

The manager Du walked out of the private room after settling one of the V.I.P customers. He went to the front desk and started to make bills of all the customers.

As he was doing his job, he heard the bell ring as a new customer walk inside. He looked up to see a mysterious person in black cloak.

Almost all the waiters were busy serving other customers.

Seeing no waiters free, Manager Du himself stood up and went towards the mysterious person.

"My Liege, how can I serve you?" He bowed and asked.

The mysterious person looked at the manager and then looked around.

"Give me your best private room."

"I will arrange it right away, my Liege."

Manager Du escorted the mysterious person to the private room at upstairs.

"My Liege, this is one of our best private rooms. The view from here is breathtaking. You can see the beautiful night and all the stalls on the street."

The mysterious person looks at the view and nodded his head.

Then he proceeded to sit down.

"This place will do."

"Okay, my Liege. What would you like to have now?"

"Bring me your top 5 spirit dishes and best spiritual wine."

"Right away, my Liege."

Manager Du then left the private chamber after the order.

Seeing the manager leave, the mysterious person opened his cloak.

The mysterious person was none other than Su Yuxin.

She stood up and went to the window and looked down enjoying the night view.

In few minutes, a waiter came with all the dishes .

After placing all the dishes, the waiter left the chamber.

Su Yuxin poured herself a glass of spirit wine and sipped on it. Her eyes twinkled.

'This wine is really good. I can feel the faint spiritual energy everytime I sip.'

She then proceeds to try the dishes.

Szechwan Spicy Chicken, Shitake Fried Rice with Azure nuts, Honey-braised potato, Braised Redhorn beast belly, Black bean glaze soup.

As she tried every dish, her mouth felt like it was in heaven. It tasted heavenly. They even smelled really fragrant.

Su Yuxin couldn't stop eating. She finished all the dishes in few minutes.

She licked her lips and her eyes had a sly glint with a tint of satisfaction.

'I never thought these dishes would be so good. Everything is perfectly made. And they were made out of spiritual beast. I could feel the spiritual energy flowing inside my body as I eat these dishes.'

Su Yuxin sipped her wine and smiled seductively.

'I don't regret this trip to the underground market.'

Su Yuxin finished her wine.

Then suddenly there were fluctuations on the alchemy book.

Su Yuxin went inside the alchemy book.

Just after she entered, she was glomped by Xiao.

Su Yuxin fell on her butt as Xiao hugged her tight and snuggled in her stomach.

She patted him slowly.

"What happened, Xiao?"