Wolf in Sheep Clothing

The grand hall was filled with people chattering to each other constantly. Full of fake people just trying to curry favor others who are higher in status than them.

Su Yuxin didn't want to entertain these type of people so she just sat there alone sipping her tea in silence.

But there were some people who didn't wanted to leave her alone.

In the middle of the hall there were young misses gathered around each other.

In the center there was Xue Xian who was wearing a green short dress that made her look innocent and pure. She was surrounded by many young misses trying to gain her favor.

"Big Sister Xian you look so pretty today. And your outfit is perfect."

One of the girls said.

"Obviously my young miss is most prettiest in today's event. His Highness Crown Prince loves my young miss so much that he specially bought this dress for young miss."

Xue Xian maid said proudly boosting her young miss and his Highness Crown Prince relationship.

Xue Xian didn't stop her maid from boosting their relationship around. To her more people knew about their relationship the better.

She wanted to show everyone that she will be the one marrying his Highness Crown Prince and become the empress.

"No wonder, young miss Xue look so pretty. It was the magic of his Highness Crown Prince gift. But again isn't he still engaged to young miss of General Mansion. So young miss Xian is planning to be a concubine to his Highness."

Huang Yue said in a loud voice looking down at Xue Xian.

Xue Xian after hearing this gritted her teeth and clenched fist tight. That fact the engagement between crown prince and that slut Su Yuxin hasn't been broken yet was what she hated the most.

Being pointed out in public like that Xue Xian glared at Huang Yue maliciously.

Huang Yue smirked seeing her glaring at her.

"What cat got your tongue? Tsk you shouldn't go around boosting your mistress relationship."

Xue Xian quickly scanned the room and saw Su Yuxin there sipping tea. She planned to use Su Yuxin to help her get out of this situation. She then calmed her emotions quickly and smiled innocently like a white lotus she is.

"No no, young miss Huang. How can I have relationship with my brother-in-law? He is clearly my sister Yuxin future husband. I won't dare to claim his Highness Crown Prince as my husband."

Huang Xue plucked her ears and laughed like she heard a joke.

"Didn't you hear your maidservant say that his Highness Crown Prince loves you so he brought you the dress?"

The maidservant sweated nervously after being dragged into the conversation. She never thought that her shameless boosting she did to curry favour her young miss might lead her to trouble.

Xue Xian kept smiling while making an eye contact with Huang Yue.

"Young Miss Huang, it might have been slip of tongue by my maid forgetting to say he loves me as a sister-in-law. Sooner or later he will marry my sister Yuxin then we will be in-laws. So he probably want to leave good impressions on me hoping I would talk good things about him with my sister Yuxin."

The maid beside Xue Xian quickly nodded her head and bowed.

"Y-yes young miss Huang. It was this lowly one mistake. I slipped my tongue accidentally."

"See young miss Huang even my maidservant admitted it already."

Huang Yue just tsked at Xue Xian and her maidservant.

She couldn't win against bunch of wolves in sheep dressing who had thick skin to cover up their shamelessness.

Su Yuxin who was sipping on her tea could clearly hear them properly as she was near them and her hearing was sharper.

'This Huang Yue is not bad. Bold and straightforward. But compared to Xue Xian she still a far cry.'

Su Yuxin rubbed her chin while looking at the group.

'Xue Xian is tough opponent and really a beast who is really good at concealing her thoughts and emotions properly. She also can turn black into white without batting her eyes. But we will see who is better at concealing and manipulating. Xue Xian are you ready to face me?'

Su Yuxin thought excitedly as her eyes shone in excitement. She really wasn't worried about losing to her. She was rather expecting for a tough battle with her. It had been long since she had a good battle which could exactly entertain her.

So she was expecting her battle with Xue Xian would be exciting enough.

Xue Xian saw Su Yuxin looking at them and walked toward her.

Su Yuxin who was in her thoughts looked up after seeing Xue Xian walk toward her.

Xue Xian smiled happily as soon as she saw Su Yuxin. She came near Su Yuxin and tried to hug her in excitement.

"Sister Yuxin I am glad you are doing alright. I was so worried about you."

Su Yuxin stood up and dodged her hug. She smiled politely at Xue Xian.

"Oh really, my dear sister Xian missed me?"

Su Yuxin asked raising her eyebrow.

Xue Xian arms were hanging on the air after Su Yuxin dodged her hug.

She let her hand down and clenched her fist under her sleeves.

'This little slut dares to dodge my hug leaving me in awkward position. Just wait till I marry his Highness Crown Prince then I will torture this bitch.'

Xue Xian still looked at Su Yuxin with a warm smile but Su Yuxin could see that although she was smiling her mouth was twitching with anger and her eyes had hint of malice.

"Of course I did, Sister Yuxin. I couldn't even eat or sleep properly. His highness Crown Prince even said I lost weight in worry."

Su Yuxin smirked amused by her words.

'Did she thought that she was the same original soul who agreed to every word she said as long as she dragged crown prince name? How naive.'

"Did he say that? But I still see you healthy as always maybe even more plump than before. Maybe his Highness Crown Prince has eye problem."

Xue Xian was shocked by her words. This wasnt what she expected.

'Why didn't she admit after I used his Highness Crown Prince name? Did she find out the mastermind behind that scheme was me ? That can't be true if she knew she would get her old man to raid our home. Then why?'

"Sister Yuxin how can you say that about his Highness? It's probably cause of this dress I looked healthy you shouldn't blame his Highness Crown Prince for that."

Xue Xian said patiently to her as if she was trying to advice her like a good sister.

But any people who had brains will be able to understand that she was pointing out her words and instead of advising. She was blaming her for doubting his Highness Crown Prince words.

'Tsk, really a thick skin wolf.'

Su Yuxin thought clicking her tongue.

"Oh really dear sister Xian? So you do care about me. Then why didn't you come visit me even once after I almost died. For whole 3 months there was no sign of you. Would you mind explaining that dear sister Xian?"

Su Yuxin said smiling innocently. Even her dimple was revealed making her look like a cute innocent naive girl.

Xue Xian was speechless again as things weren't going how she was expecting.

"Sister Yuxin, I was just busy couldn't visit you. You won't blame me right?"

Huang Yue sneered at her words.

"Young Miss Xue wasn't free. Then why were you hanging out with his Highness Crown Prince or should I say your brother-in-law?"

Xue Xian glared at Huang Yue.

"It's none of your business, Young Miss Huang."

Just as Huang Xue was about to reply her back, an eunuch entered and announced that the royal family are going to arrive and everyone should return to their respective seat.

"Sister Yuxin,I will come meet you later."

Saying that Xue Xian fled from the scene as fast as she could.

Su Yuxin just sneered at her.

'Running away? We will see how long can you run away hiding your hideous facade.'

All of the guests returned back to their respective seat and waited for the royal family.