Side Story Bonus

A little orphan girl was in the middle of the street. She had a small bowl which had some few cash. She was going around the street begging strangers for cash.

She would mimic their voice and then beg them for some amount of money.

Many people would be amused by her talent and tell her to mimic more of their voices for their entertainment.

The little girl would willingly do it for them and they would be happy amused. Then they would willingly hand her the money in her small bowl.

The little girl would smile widely and thank them for the money

Slowly the little girl became well-known to every people around that area. She was called a genius and God-gifted child for being able to mimic people voices and as well as being able to remember every single details that she heard or see like a photographic memory.

The little girl would use her ability to entertain people that come in that area.

They would watch her performance and donate her money that helped the little girl for her survival.

One day a kind young lady suddenly gave the little girl 500 dollars.

Seeing the huge amount of money, the little girl was shocked. She wanted to thank the young lady but she was gone already. For 3 days straight the young lady gave her same amount of money, the little girl was delighted by the amount of money she was able to earn daily.

In the fourth day, the little girl tugged on the dress of the young lady while looking at her curiously.

She blinked her eyes innocently and asked her, "Miss, you are really nice to me. But why would you give away so much money to an orphan like me?"

The young lady smiled and pinched the little girl small nose.

"Well, I think your talent is really high. And if only you could be nurtured to be able to gain lots of knowledge by being able to go school, I am sure you would be a well known prodigy."

The little girl nose turned read after the pinch. But she wasn't mad instead she was smiling widely. She could feel the warmth from the young lady Infront of her.

"I also want to learn and discover new things. I also want to go school like every other kids."

The little girl said nodding her head enthusiastically.

The young lady then squatted down next to the little girl and smiled.

"Then, how about you become my adopted daughter? I will treat you well and provide you with everything you want."

The young lady said looking at the little girl while expecting a positive reply.

The little girl couldn't believe her ears. She plucked her earholes and pinched get hand thinking maybe it was one of her dreams.

The young lady was amused by her actions that she ended up brusting into laughter.

The little girl looked up at the young lady in shock.

"I-I am not dreaming. I really want to , miss. But I would be troubling you!"

The little girl said while playing with her fingers while looking down.

She really didn't wanted to trouble such a kindhearted lady.

The young lady stood up and patted the little girl head affectionately.

"It's no problem for me as long as you agree to come with me. So what do you say do you want to come with me?"

The young lady asked while offering her hand towards the little girl

The little girl took her hand while smiling brightly like a sunshine.

"I agree to go with you , miss. Umm, I don't know what to call you except miss."

"I am Ruo Li. You can just call me mother, mom or mommy alright? And what's my little girl name?"

Ruo Li answered while giving a small smile.

The little girl nodded her head.

"Okay mommy. My name is Ju Ruyun."

"Ruyun let's go to the registration office and register you as my adopted child."

"Let's go mommy." Ju Ruyun answered while holding her hand tightly.

Both Ruo Li and Ju Ruyun walked toward the registration office hand in hand and did all the registration process. Ju Ruyun was officially registered as the adopted child of Ruo Lu.

This small interaction changed Ju Ruyun's life. Will it be for good or bad who knows. So let the fate do it job.