Daddy's Love

Ajax Brajamohan walked through a hallway to his son's new office. Starting from today, Artemis was going to work as Technical Director of Brajamohan's company. 

Ajax was expecting Artemis would be diligent, extra focused, and seriously working on himself. Or at least, he would drown himself into the business talks or strategics meetings.

But his expectation was beyond the reality. When he entered the office, Artemis played with his pens, making dumb attraction by pilling them on his straight sharp nose.

Ajax let a loud out of scoffing until all of the pins were falling apart. 

"Are you a clown?" asked Ajax sarcastically to Artemis. Artemis grinned stupidly and picked up all the pens and put them back.

"I'm bored!" Artemis pouted to his father with his cute innocent look.