The One That Broke My Heart

Miraya could no longer resist her urge to meet and talk to Artemis as soon as possible. After this morning's incident,  Miraya has to ask him what happened.  She didn't want Artemis to start making things complicated by involving feelings. 

Miraya did not know Artemis' address. So she asked her fiancé Ariel about it. But Ariel told her that Artemis would come to his workshop. Therefore, Miraya asked to go to his garage if she wanted to see Artemis. Miraya agreed and went off with Marcella after their college.

It's not hard to find Ariel's workshop. Marcella, who came with Miraya, was even surprised to see how comfortable the workshop building where Ariel worked. She couldn't believe Ariel was the owner of the place.

When the two then walked inside, a female receptionist greeted them.