Chapter 23

Eyes opening, I am met with the sight of a white ceiling. My head throbs as I glance around. Why are there drips attached to me?

Someone is holding my hand tightly. I glance at the dark haired man hunched over asleep beside me. Why am I in the hospital? The flashback of the attack returns and I groan in pain, clutching my head.

Who was the bastard who hit me?

"H-hurts... my head hurts..." I moan loudly as my head feels like it is on fire.

"Eva, you're awake? Oh, no, are you in pain?" Seb's voice is hoarse as if he has been crying and he has dark circles under his eyes. He rushes around and presses a button beside the bed. "Please come quickly." He says into the phone.

He holds my hand tightly with his large ones as I writhe in pain. Tears leak out of my eyes. Why does my head hurt so much? Is it because I got hit there?

"Please move to the side sir." A man says as he walks into the room. He must be a doctor. "Do you want painkiller pills or an injection? Your head is hurting because you were hit pretty hard."

"P-pills." I say through the pain. Why was I attacked anyway? It's Seb's fault. Why did he have to get so angry at me for mentioning Jason?

After swallowing the pills, I lie down again and stare up at the ceiling aimlessly.

"Where's Miracle?" I ask.

"Rina is taking care of him. Don't worry about him and rest Eva." Seb says softly.

I chuckle humourlessly, "You're no longer angry at me for some nonsense reason? I thought you would stay mad for long." I sniff as I feel a drop of water make its way down my cheek. Is it the medicine which is making me emotional or is it my head?

"Eva, look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get angry at you. I don't know why I felt strange when you said his name." Seb says from beside the bed.

"You didn't mean to get angry but you did get angry." I say. "If you weren't angry, I wouldn't have left the car in the first place and I wouldn't have got hit."

"I'm sorry Eva. I know it's my fault." He says, holding my hand.

"Forget it. Did they catch the attacker?" I ask curiously.

"Yes, apparently he is a local thief who has been robbing people on the streets recently. Fortunately, the police have caught him." Seb explains.

I close my eyes as I feel drowsy. "I'm sleepy."


I wake up to the sound of many voices around me. The voices are familiar and I see Jason, Rina and Mum.

"You all came?" I greet, sitting up a little.

Jason rushes over to me, "Are you alright? Does it hurt anywhere? Who did it? I'll give him an eye for an eye."

I laugh as he fusses over me, "Don't worry, the police have caught him. It's only my head which is in pain, probably because he hit me pretty hard."

"Let me know if it hurts anywhere else. I'll call the doctor immediately." Jason says.

I smile at him, "Thank you Jason. Sorry, I couldn't meet you for the job."

He shakes his head, "Don't worry about that now Eva. Your health is more important. My sister should be here soon anyway."

My eyes widen, "Your sister is coming here?!" I am not prepared to meet her, looking like this.

"You look like you're worried she will get a bad impression of you." My mother suddenly says.

I purse my lips. She knows me too well. "Mum, this is Jason. My... friend." I introduce.

Jason smiles at her politely, "It's nice to finally meet you mother."

Both mine and Mum's eyes widen in shock. "I don't recall giving birth to a son like you." She says sternly.

"Mum, can't you tone it down?" I whisper as Jason smiles awkwardly.

Ignoring me, she scrutinises Jason up and down.

"Your mum has always been scary but she seems to be more frightening today." Rina whispers from my other side.

"It's an act to assert her status." I say, rolling my eyes. Mum pretty much does it to every new person she meets. I glance at Rina, "Where's Miracle?"

She smiles, "With Seb. He took him home to feed and change."

"He is actually becoming more responsible nowadays." I smile, pleased at his positive change.

"Isn't it an act to make your mum believe you two are a couple?" Rina says.

"You're right." I say. There is no way Seb would take the initiative and take Miracle home himself.

"By the way, what's happening between you and Jason? You don't seem to be ordinary friends." She asks quietly.


I stop as the door opens and a woman with a bouncy brown bob cut and an arm full of bags steps inside the room.

"Hello, you must be my brother's friend, Eva!" She smiles widely and walks over to the bed. "I've heard so much about you. Jason never stops talking about you."

I raise my eyebrows and glance at Jason who is looking a little flushed.

"What did he say?"

"Oh, don't worry, it was all good things." She laughs, "Silly me, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Janette by the way." She holds out her hand and I shake it politely.

"I'm glad to meet you Janette." I smile.

"I think we should talk about the work another time." She says.

I shake my head, "It's fine, we can talk today." With my eyes, I gesture to Rina who understands and makes an excuse to drag my mother out of the room.

After they leave, Janette briefly fills me in with the job role and she tells me to come and see her with my CV once I am better.

"I heard you also have a son whom you want to bring along to work." She says, glancing at Jason for a moment before turning back to me.

I nod, "He isn't one years old yet so I can't leave him anywhere whilst I work. I hope you don't mind."

She smiles, "That is totally fine. He can spend time with the children."

"Thank you." I say in relief.

"Get well soon Eva so you can start working with me." She winks.

I chuckle, "Of course Janette."

She leaves shortly after and Jason smiles as he sits down beside the bed.

"My sister is a bit... loud." He says, "I hope you don't mind."

Grinning, I shake my head, "She is fun. It's refreshing."

"She is my sister after all." He says, puffing his chest out proudly.

I laugh at him, "You changed your tracks quite fast there."

"What can I say? I have quick feet." He grins.

"Sorry my mother is a bit strange too." I say, "She usually acts like that with strangers. If Seb can get along with her, I am sure you can." Because I really hope you will become family. I think to myself.

Jason smiles and takes my hand. I stare at him in confusion as he plays with my fingers. "I'm not scared. I can tell she loves you alot and wants to make sure that you only have good people around you."

My heart races as he holds my hand, "W-what are you doing?" I say as he entwines his fingers with mine.

His blue eyes widen and he instantly pulls back as if he has been electrocuted. "Sorry, I didn't realise..."

I smile at his cute flustered face, "Why are you apologising? I didn't say I don't like it." I mutter.

"So... you don't mind?" Jason says, his bright blue eyes burning into me as he intensely stares into my eyes.

My face heats up, "I... don't..." I admit.

Jason smiles and stands up. My breath stops as he leans towards me, his face only inches away from mine.


"You two..."

Our heads simultaneously snap towards Seb who is standing at the door with a strange expression on his face. He has bags in his hands and looks pale.

"Oh Seb." I smile, breaking the awkward silence. "Where's Miracle?"


|Sebastian Eccles|

Why? Why am I so effected by the sight I just saw a moment ago? Why do I care so much about Jason being so close to Eva?

My chest tightens and my blood boils. Were they kissing?!

I have never felt this strange mixture of feelings before. Why should I care about who Eva kisses? I'm not her real boyfriend. We're only friends. I shouldn't be thinking too much about it. It's none of my business. I have kissed so many women before, why should I worry about an almost-thirty year-old woman kissing someone? It doesn't make sense.

Maybe it's because I have been spending so much time with her ever since she moved into my house. That's probably why I want to go over and punch Jason right now for touching her.

Plastering a smile onto my face, I casually walk inside. "Miracle is with Rina and your mother. Rina drove your mother down to my house so I thought I would come and keep you company but it looks like I was too late." I say, glancing at Jason.

Jason's face is scarlet as he stares at me, "I guess I took your place." He says sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. Oh, so he is embarrassed? Does that mean my suspicion was right? He has a thing for Eva. I frown as that strange feeling passes through me again.

Didn't Eva mention that she had an interest in Jason too? Could they have confessed their feelings already?

"Of course not." I say through gritted teeth, "You can never take my place. Isn't that right Eva?"

Eva looks confused, her cute face scrunching up, as she glances between Jason and I. "Huh? Yes." She says uncertainly.

"Do you want to eat anything Eva?" I ask, holding up the bags of food. "I've bought all your favourites."

Her deep brown eyes shine in excitement as she nods and holds out her hands, "Give me, give me! I'm starving!" She says loudly.

I laugh and take out the food. "I'm the best aren't I?"

She nods, "Of course. Seb is always the best to me. That's why I have no choice but to keep loving you, even after you get mad at me."

Out of the corner of my eyes, I see Jason look uncomfortable as he watches us. I smile. He is a good person but he doesn't suit my Eva.