Chapter 24

I am discharged from the hospital two days later and Seb seems to be taking extra care of me since. Is it because he feels guilty and thinks it is his fault that I got hurt? Of course, I have reiterated over a hundred times that it isn't his fault and actually my own for getting hot tempered and leaving the car.

In the end, the only thing we have come to an agreement on is that the bastard who attacked me is the one at fault and it's good that he is receiving his punishment.

"I haven't seen you go out with your girls in a while." I say as I sit next to him on the sofa and watch T.V. "We only have to pretend to be a couple in front of Mum and Gran you know. I'm not cruel enough to restrict your freedom." I laugh, leaning my head on his broad shoulder.

He doesn't answer for a while and I glance at him to make sure that he hasn't fallen asleep.

"Why do you care?" He asks curiously, "You've never questioned my lifestyle. Why are you worrying about my business?"

I frown, "Can't I care about you? You're my best friend Seb."

"I haven't had time to go out recently. With everything which has happened and with work and looking after Miracle and you. Do I have any time?"

"Are you blaming me for your lack of love life?" I ask in annoyance. The only time I have ever butted into his life was with Carol and that was because that bitch had the nerves to provoke me first.

"I don't need a love life." He says seriously.

Quickly lifting my head off his shoulder to see his face properly, I ask in shock, "Did I hear you correctly? Sebastian Eccles, the biggest Casanova I know, doesn't need a love life?! Has the world ended?!"

His light brown eyes stare at me and his voice is deep and quiet as he speaks, "I'm not joking. I don't need anyone else. I only need..." He suddenly stops and turns his face away from me.

"You only need what? Tell me or I won't be able to sleep." I moan. Why did he say it if he wasn't going to finish his sentence? It's frustrating.

When he doesn't answer, I pinch his cheek and turn his face back to me. "Tell me, please? If I can't sleep, it'll all be your fault and I'll keep you awake too. Mark my words." I whine.

"Fine." He sighs, giving in, "Stop pinching my cheek and I'll tell you."

Beaming at him, I remove my hand, "Sorry."

"I only need..." He beckons me closer with his hand and I obediently lean closer to him. ""

Pulling back from him, I glare. "You tricked me! I thought it was going to be something juicy. To think I would lose sleep over your love for food." I groan.

He grins and winks, "You wanted to stay awake yourself." He yawns loudly, "I'm tired. I'll be heading to sleep."

As he stands up, I pull on his sleeve and give him my best puppy eye look. "Please don't go. Let's watch something first. I'm not sleepy yet."

"No, I have work tomorrow morning. I'm going." He says, turning to leave.

"Please don't Seb. I only have you. I love you Seb, don't leave me alone." I cry dramatically, clinging onto his sleeve.

He tuts and sighs before finally sitting back down beside me. "Why can't I say no to you?" He mutters in irritation.

I smile and snuggle my head into his warm chest, "Because you love me too much." I joke.

"True." He says quietly.

My heart beats faster all of a sudden. Why is it reacting like this? Jason isn't here. I smile as I recall how Jason held my hand and was probably going to kiss me at the hospital. Seb interrupted us at such a crucial moment.

"Why are you blushing?" Seb suddenly asks and I realise that he is watching me. "Are you thinking about something dirty?" He wriggles his eyebrows suggestively.

"Of course not." I mutter, my face heating up more.


"Jason was going to kiss me." I blurt out.

There is a long silence as we stare at each other. Why did I say it aloud?! This is embarrassing.

"You really like him?" Seb asks slowly.

I blush and nod, "He is a wonderful person and he treats me so well. I would be stupid not to like him."

Seb purses his lips, "He treats everyone like that."

"Really? That's another reason to like him. It's hard finding a gentleman like him nowadays. He doesn't even mind that I have Miracle. He even helped me find a job where I can take Miracle with me." I say happily as I think about all his good points. He is a perfect man.

"You really see him as the only one who doesn't mind Miracle?"

I frown. Weren't we having a normal heart-to-heart conversation? Why on earth does he sound angry?

"What's wrong?" I ask, staring at his red face in confusion. Why is he so sensitive lately?

Suddenly, I find myself lying with my back against the sofa. Seb hovers over me, his light brown eyes gazing into mine intensely. I find my body heating up under his stare.

"Don't disregard my efforts in taking care of Miracle." He mumbles in a quiet, deep voice before lowering his face.

My heart thumps erratically against my ribs as I feel his rough lips on top of mine. Is he drunk? No, he is definitely sober.

I am sober too. I am not drunk but why am I responding to my best friend's kiss? Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pull him down as I kiss him back, a fire igniting within me.

Before we can go further, a loud ringing echoes around us and Seb's eyes widen as he climbs off me.

Sitting up, I hide my hot face with my hands. How did we end up kissing? Is it because we have been single for too long?

"Hi babe, what's up?" Seb's voice brings me back to reality as he answers his phone. "I'll be there immediately, wait for me."

For some reason my heart sinks. I shouldn't even have imagined for those few seconds that we would ever be more than friends. Kissing is a normal thing to him. It doesn't hold any meaning.

"I'm going out. I'll probably be back late." He says as he grabs his jacket and leaves.

He is already going out to see a woman. I should have known that he wouldn't stay single for long.

Feeling like a complete fool for having strange thoughts about my friend, I walk to my bedroom. Miracle is already asleep.

"It's good being a baby." I say quietly as I gently stroke his soft hair, "You don't have to think about anything."