"911?! Yes, hello, we need an ambulance on… Hilton Street please!" She looked up to the nearest sign to see where they were as she was trying to figure all this out the best she can while trying to save this lady at the same time.
"Okay mam'e, calm down and tell me what happened the best you can." The lady on the phone sounded like she absolutely hated her job, and just wanted to hang up by the way her tone of pure annoyance sounded like a new level of exhaustion. Of course, she couldn't answer that though because...well, she doesn't know anything except that the mom for some reason just flew her car to the other side of the road and had a baby with a knife in its head in the back of the car.
"I don't know what happened! They were driving by me and then drove to my side of the road really quickly, and there's a baby in the back with a knifed head but I'll take care of that problem myself, don't worry about the baby, okay? Worry about the mother! Oh, and-" The lady was cut off by the rude Police dispatcher due to her explosive rambling going into the phone.
"Mam'e… I said calm down! Now deep breathe in… and out. Tell me again…" At this point the lady was steaming with rage at how ignorant this worker was and she just told her to bring an ambulance to the Hilton Street 1467, and left with the baby to Emergency Care. Once the ambulance arrived, the caller was gone and the mom was laying on the ground with glass scattered around her just perfectly around her body. About five men wearing green, long, jumpsuits and white letters on the upper back where the last name of football players and basketball players were that said Paramedic, came out of the ambulance truck, and helped two of the men to carry out the red and yellow stretcher they had to unfold from the back of the truck. As they boys walked over with one one supporting one side and the other supporting the other side, they paused for a second and looked at the woman sprawled on the roadside like a starfish deprived of salt water going through and fro their fishy lungs like our human air, transferred looks at one another and then back at the poor woman. It seemed as if they had had a whole conversation with just eye signals and facial expressions. They walked up to her almost lifeless body, the merciless sirens were going off in the background as they set down the stretcher onto the cracked up dirty road to hall the woman onto it. All kinds of different variations of cars were flying by the scene, all of them had at least one pair of eyes shooting towards them as they were hoisting the stretcher backup and into the back of the truck. Two of the people went to the front of the truck and got into the driver and passenger seat while the other three got into the back accompanying the woman they had just picked up, the last one closing the doors behind him as he hops in with them. At this point they had some sort of audience if that's what you want to call them and they all had cameras out taking videos and photos to show people for some sort of award I guess or just attention, I don't really know, but they were all around the incident, their mouths gaping open as if they were in need of more air and they had to inhale as much as possible. They drove, the siren getting more and more muffled the farther they are. Don't get me wrong, it was pretty interesting to watch go down. It was probably the most action they've seen all day since that town wasn't that interesting anyway. The blinding red and blue lights switched sides every two seconds, the unconscious woman that seemed like she was bleeding from almost every poor of hers, everything you thought was just on shows had just gone down right in front of their eyes.
"Quick! We need to get her back with us! Someone, pass me the defibrillator! I need some answers and no one else is here with her to do that!" He pointed over to the medium sized box with a red heart on the top left of the black box.
"I need the saline solution! Someone!" They used it to clean her up, her scrapes, her cuts, almost all her wounded areas and put an alcohol wipe under her nose just so they could wake her and ask a few questions, or just try and get as many answers they could pull from her. She jolted up with panic filled eyes soon overflowing with tears she just couldn't contain for too much longer as she frantically looked around in the white and red truck.
"Where is it?! Please, where did it go?! What the hell!!" They forcefully pulled her back down to the bed she's in by her forearms as she continuously tried lifting herself out of their death grip. Her chest was jumping up and her legs were being kicked all over the place just to be grabbed and pulled down just like her arms. It was terrifying for them to watch what was happening inside this sick lady. They were extremely confused by what the fuck was happening and what on earth she was talking about.
"Mam'e, the baby's fine trust us. Someone found you guys and took the baby to go to the hospital, okay?" She was scared for the baby too, yes, but she really needed to see that thing again. What was it?
"No, the thing! Where is it! Please tell me where it is! Please!! Why won't you tell me what's happening?? Tell me n-" Tears were streaming down her rosy cheeks, her eyes a puffy red look going on, her nose red as well as she was pleading for some information of what had happened to her. She froze, her face slowly going into a completely blank expression. All of a sudden it was five times easier to hold her down as she slowly sank into the little bed she had been just trying to get up from. One of them pulled their hands up and away from the air mask they put over her mouth to calm her down so she doesn't freak out. Nothing happened after that as they drove by the beautiful brown and red filled trees that were on either side of them, blowing with the wind the car had built up with splotches of green here and there. The grass had turned into a sort of light brown color, the grass was dying for some water but hadn't had any luck for exactly three months now. The wind had the wonderful smell autumn always seemed to drag along with it. the smell that was so comforting to people there, it just felt so safe. The sky had the gloomiest grey as the sun was attempting to beam through the massive ocean of clouds that eventually blocked out the little amount of light barely pulling through. It had this eerie feeling floating around though, no one could explain it that day but everyone could definitely feel it. They finally arrived at the hospital and pulled up into the garage where all the other ambulance trucks were resting waiting for something to happen so they could get on the road once more. They were rushing into the hospital, looking everywhere for a doctor.
"Doctor! We need a doctor!" They were desperately looking around for someone, anyone. Soon enough, a man with a long flowing white coat came rushing in, ready to do his job. They ran her into a room, prepared for a surgery to take place and put lights down on her, so bright. They cut her skin open to see the red lumps a body needs to survive, snuggled tightly together. Some were banged up from the crash, some were still fathomable enough for the doctors to recognize which ones they were. There was blood spurting out a tad, some of the blood going onto the thin white sheet they've placed onto the deep red, slightly squishy bed. They stitched at her wounds she had gotten from the glass, and all the cuts they made during surgery. After that they put her into a room and let her rest, a few visitors every once in a while but she was unconscious for every one of them. Her parents came the most to check in, see if she was up yet, make sure nothing was wrong with her,like her blood bag, her water bag, making sure her tubes were still in. Sometimes the nurse would have to come in and switch out the restroom bag, it was gross but they had to do it since she couldn't get up and do it herself. Some other moms she knew came to see how she was doing but stopped after a while losing hope that she'd ever wake up. About three months later the nurse was coming in to check in on her, and she noticed something was happening with her. She wasn't really moving but her eyebrows furrowed together like she was trying to read something but it was really small print. Her eyes were being shut tighter and tighter. All of the sudden she was making these grunting noises. Was she waking up? Before the nurse could go check she screeched on the top of her lungs like bloody murder. She seemed to be screaming the same thing she was screaming before. They didn't know who she was talking about before and no one knows who it is once more. They didn't understand, who is she so desperately looking for? it's not her son, she said so.
"Where is it?! Hey! You have to tell me where it is, now!" she looked furious, furious that no one knows where that thing went.
"Mam'e, we don't know who you're talking about! Please tell us what it was that you saw." they got out a white piece of paper on a clipboard and a yellow number two pencil.
"It was a man. Or was it a woman? I don't know for sure, but it had big round eyes and they were looking right at me. It looked like they were coming towards me, like out of its head! It showed me memories I completely forgot about, like painting our house door with daisies, or the time when I was younger and I had a pet fish named Harold and I saw my mom throw him into a pond and then come back and tell me that he's on vacation." The memories she talked about caused her to gently smile to herself as she thought about her life before she started walking down her smoking path. She had a great life indeed. She had good grades, good friends, a good school, a pretty good neighborhood. Her parents weren't the best but she usually went to her friend Chris's house whenever they were fighting and cussing, sometimes throwing a few good punches at one another. It was hard but she would usually listen to music to escape her reality for a couple pleasant minutes. His parents weren't the best either but they didn't argue as much, they just were more of the neglecting parents. It broke her heart to see her best friend with parents who haven't told their own son they love him since he was eight years old. They haven't asked about his day for about five years now. They don't acknowledge his existence unless he's past curfew and then they start yelling and throwing bottles all over the place like bouncy balls. Since he wasn't really allowed friends over, she had to climb through the window in order to be with him. They usually didn't do much, just hung out, talked about life, school. It was pretty fun for them and it was nice for them to be able to trust each other enough to be able to talk about life at their homes. Angelina would talk about where they hurt her this time and the things her parents were fighting about that made her have to leave the house. She didn't know most of the stupid shit her parents actually were fighting about, but she tried her best to explain the things she could make out of all the crazy yelling. Chris would talk about all the times they forgot to pick him up everyday after school that week. He'd tell her about all the glass he's had to sweep up because of the beer bottles that always "slip" out of his parents hands. They really did have it bad at their places. One night, when Angelina's parents were having a pretty big fight, yelling, cussing, punching, kicking, shit was going down in the kitchen and she could hear her mother crying over the blazing music she blasted into her ears with her new Walkman and headset. It was unbearable to hear her mother in that much pain, even though she's gotten used to the constant bickering and fighting that sometimes kept her up all night due to the volume, she still couldn't handle it. As she was sitting on the foot of her twin sized mattress, rivers of tears were forming, running down her rosy cheeks.