The week went faster than planned I did my best to be the best mother I could so that when they went back at least they knew they had a good mother. I was worried all week I even tried reaching out to their father but to no avail, instead it kept going to voicemail.
I bet the man in question wasn't worried at all, what kind of father was he anyway. We travelled on a Thursday and I booked a hotel for the weekend. I was extremely worried, I didn't know the man and I didn't want to know him either. The plan was that if the father wasn't worried then I would have be adopting the children from him as he was not fit to be a father.
Finish your dinner and go to bed, we have an early flight tomorrow. I said
I couldn't believe that the kids had warmed up to each other and were becoming more relaxed around each other. 14 kids might seem like a lot but with time i got used to them and now I was extremely scared to give them away.
What kind of man do you want? Tony ask me
Any Man fitting to be your father i replied
I wasn't sure why I said that, but I wanted to make them understand that still always be my number one and as long as they were happy, I will be happy.
We arrived quite late, hence we went straight to the hotel, only for me to be informed that he left Hawaii for Moscow, so after spending the weekend in Hawaii we moved to Moscow. They seemed to really enjoy the fact that we were travelling and they were enjoying their holidays.
While in Moscow***
Does your father own a house here? I asked them
Yes, he does
So do you know the address?
Okay, no problem if we can't find him we will go home and make him find us. I said trying to ease them from worrying.
Great, here I am in Moscow thinking about how to get this kids to their father whom I don't even know and without a location. When I get that Man he's going to pay.
Apologies I said as I bumped into a lady by the side walk
Am sorry she responded
She was with about 14 people, seemed like they were siblings and they suddenly reminded me of my kids, I didn't know where they were or in what condition.
Someone had tried calling me but it fell on the voicemail she had sounded really upset, she had said that she was in Moscow with my kids and if she didn't hear from me in 24hours she was going to be legally adopting them. I had tracked the number and found out it was a hotel number. I was heading there alone, If this was a trap, I didn't want anyone getting hurt.
But I really wanted to get my kids, i didn't tell anyone as to where I was heading, I didn't want anyone worrying.
At the hotel***
Am looking for a lady in room 57 I said to the receptionist
Yes, she left a while ago but she'll be back soon. You can wait at the lobby or try calling her.
Yes, thank you.
As desperate as I was, I could wait a little while longer.