Chapter 4


Sir your kids are missing, he's security told him.

Okay tell them I love them too.

At dinner he asked,

"Where are they?

Sir, we are the sorry, they are missing

Tell them i said that they could go on a hunger strike for all i care, I am getting married.

Aaron help me get some files from my room and take them to court I want the divorce to be a smooth one.

Brother the files are missing they are not in your room.

He thought his brother was just playing around, hence he sent his brother out. To be left alone with his fiancee. He wanted to spend quality time with her before the wedding after all she was the love of his life.

However on the day of the wedding, when he asked to see his kids, they didn't come to him, he was upset. For the past 2 days he hasn't seen them and now they were playing hard to get, he had told them timelessly he was going to get married to Georgia come what may. He was a responsible dad. He was getting worried that they might do something stupid.

When they refused to see him off on his wedding day, he was sure that something was wrong.

Where are they? he asked his security he wanted to make them understand one last time because in a few hours that woman will be their mother.

Instead he was told that the kids never got on the plane and their flight was never even booked

So where are they?

Right now he was desperate to find his kids, they were all he had except of course for his new wife to be.

I'm sure they are fine it they wouldn't have gone very far. Georgia said trying to butter up his mood.

You claim to be a good mother but you didn't know that your kids did not come with us, and I asked you to book their flight so ...

I love them, I ....., she said defending herself

And the Nanny was looking for them but you didn't you tell me about it?

I'm sorry I didn't know I was busy am really sorry

He didn't know what to think, he was supposed to be getting married in a few hours and to make things worst his kids were missing, if anything should happen to them he won't be able to live with himself.

Sir they are in West Virginia, Aaron said breaking the silence

WHAT how did they get there?

They ran away and it seems that they booked a flight in advance.

Get everyone ready, pack your things we are going to West Virginia.

He wanted to know the reason why they had left him and the airport of all places. Till he finds his kids and they were save and sound this marriage will have to wait.