Photo Madness

The rest of the day still went uneventfully with the only notable thing happening being Lilly snooping around for the gist of this new gossip so she could feed it to Richard's mother.

She did find a lot of interesting things. She found out that this lady—whose name she had come to know as Priscilla— had washed Richard's clothes aside from making him meals!

That was great news in her book and she didn't waste time to send in this report. She was acting as a reporter and it was really a fun thing to do. She also sneakily took the lady's pictures with her phone and made sure to capture moments were the two were talking or simply being too close.

She believed that this sort of photos would raise the flags in her mentor's good books. There was a moment where Priscilla had tripped but Richard was quick to grab her waist and it seemed like he was bending her over and his face was awfully close to hers.

This was a good scene for Lilly, who now had to keep her phone on camera mode all day. She quickly took a photo and sent it to his mother. Richard was unaware that his innocent act of saving a lady from falling was actually being used against him so he paid no attention.

The next point of gossip came when it was dinner time and she made food. The two ate in silence but kept throwing glances at each other that only she could notice. This was a really good sign but sadly, she couldn't capture any moment of this adorable sight.

"No one's sleeping on the couch tonight." Lilly declared once it was 8.

"Why?" Priscilla asked. She had come to terms with the fact that this 'cook' had a little bit more authority in Richard's life than she was supposed to and the odd thing was that Richard seemed to never get angry at her no matter what… or maybe he didn't get angry at her often.

"Because I have to watch movies all night!" she quickly interjected.

Richard narrowed his eyes at her and she knew she had crossed the line so she quickly apologised, "sorry sir, but you shouldn't sleep here tonight."

"Watch whatever in your room." He said, more like an order than a suggestion.

Lilly shook her head. "Why would I do that?"

"Because I want to watch some romantic comedy with Richard." Priscilla cut in.

Lilly smiled, "genius… don't mind this silly Lilly, I will head to my room at once!" she left immediately she said that but that didn't stop her from sneaking around and trying to take photos.

"Is she your employee or your nanny?" she asked after sitting down.

"She's not my employee and she isn't my nanny," Richard replied. "She was hired by my mother to help me out domestically and I try as much as possible to not make it hard on her. I actually enjoy her nature."

She nodded, "that's if she's not sneaking being our backs to take photos!" She had noticed all along that she was always aiming her camera at her and she figured it was her pictures she was taking.

"Ignore her." Richard said but in his head, he sighed deeply. She was sending those pictures to his mother and he was sure of it.

The night passed with the two falling asleep on the couch together while hugging each other. This was not how they fell asleep but during their time of sleep, they moved about and ended up entangled in an almost embrace. Lilly, who didn't sleep a wink that night took as many photos as she could so much so that her phone memory was almost full. She sighed and decided to stop there and get to the morning duties.


The next morning, after breakfast, Priscilla packed up her bag. She didn't really have much to pack except for the few clothes Richard had bought for her.

It was now Monday and she had overstayed her welcome. In as much as she would miss this house, since she had grown to like the simple life there and all the fun with Lilly's antics. She still had to leave, this wasn't her home and honestly, she didn't know much about this Richard who helped her out.

She knew that the moment she left this house, she would be back to her life of… well, she had plenty of tasks to do and it was in the course of these that K9's men almost took her. She had to be more careful next time.

"You're really leaving?" Lilly saw alarm bells ringing endlessly when she heard her for the second time. Why was she leaving? Was it because she had overdone things? What would mother say about this?

"Yes, I only crashed here for the weekend."

"You'll come back for a visit right?" she asked nervously.

Priscilla cocked her brows and smiled, "I'm not sure but even if I do, it won't be soon."

Richard joined them with a mug of coffee in hand. "Will your friend pick you up or should I drop you?"

She shook her head. "No worries, I'll take a cab besides I stole your money again."

Richard gave her a frown to show that he didn't appreciate her taking his stuff. "If you needed money, why didn't you ask for it?"

"Sorry, I'll buy you lunch when I see you again."

Lilly soon forgot about her earlier panic and looked at them dotingly. She was lost in her own fairy tale world that she failed to notice when Priscilla left.

Richard flicked her forehead and said, "Maybe you should get a boyfriend after all, you're old enough for that."

"I would've if you had gotten married ages ago!" she stormed back to the kitchen to tidy up. Richard shook his head and went to take a shower; he had to report to the military headquarters by 9 o'clock.