Play Boy

Priscilla soon arrived at Dwayne's Medical Centre. It was a large hospital and medical research centre owned by her friend, Dr Donald Dwayne. She stepped inside and was greeted by a nurse. "Good morning doctor."

She nodded. "Has Dr Dwayne arrived yet?"

The nurse nodded. "He's attending to a patient but will be done soon. Room 201."

Priscilla nodded and took the elevator to that hospital ward. The hospital was a huge place and it was still seeking to expand and they recently added an Institute to it. They weren't the best in the whole country but surely ranked in the top three.

She soon arrived outside room 201 and fortunately, Dr Donald came out as well. He smiled when he saw it was her. "I haven't seen you since Friday evening!"

Priscilla chuckled at his attitude. "Friday isn't that long ago, Donald. Nice to see you again."

"What's with the little bag?" he asked as he noticed she was holding a small bag which seemed to contain a few clothes.

"I was almost killed on Friday night by you know who." She sighed.

Donald put his hand in his side pocket and frowned. "I've told you that this is dangerous!"

"Dangerous but not impossible and you know why I'm doing this."

"Sadly, yes." He grunted. "So, you left your house?"

She nodded. "I spent the weekend at this guy's house, he was…"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Donald put out his hand and forced her to stop. "You spent the weekend at another man's house? That is so wrong!"

Priscilla scratched her head a little. "He was the one who saved my sorry life! Anyway, I need a place to crash for the meantime and some cash so I was hoping you'd help me out."

Donald became a little bit excited. "You want to stay at my place? Of course you're always welcome to stay as long as you want!"

"Thanks for letting me stay at your place…"

"You're still so drop dead gorgeous from the last time I saw you. I can't wait to have you all to myself!"

"I'm only staying at your place, lover boy and not hooking up with you." she scowled, why was he always thinking with his dick?

"Look at it however you want; it doesn't change the fact that you're stuck with me. Come to my office." He gestured for her to follow him. Priscilla followed behind him as they walked to the elevator and headed for his office.

"So, are you taking that job offer?" he asked when they got to his office.

She nodded and sat down with her bag on her laps. "Yeah, I think it's a great way to start this new phase."

"Please! You won't survive there for long, what do you think that place is?"

Priscilla smiled. "A place where I get to fulfil my dreams?"

Donald sighed and shook his head. "I still wish you hadn't resigned from this hospital, didn't we treat you better?"

"No Dr Donald," she quipped. "They pay better than you."

He scowled. "It comes with the risk factor."

"The second reason is that I get to not see your face all day long since I'll practically be living with you."

"This face?" Donald pointed to his face with a satisfied smirk. "Women die to see this face every day and they even line up all day to even get me to sleep with them!"

"Poor women," she commented. "Why are you always this horny?"

This doctor was well known but not for all good reasons. He was good at his job and had a great track record but when it came to romance? He was almost on every woman's lips. He was a playboy and women would discuss him. The surprising thing was that no matter how many women spoke up to say that this man broke their heart after sleeping with them, a lot more women were still dying to get his attention.

"I will stop when I achieve my goal." He said with a smug grin.

"And that goal is getting into my pants, correct?" she asked.

He smiled wryly. "You are the most difficult woman I've ever met and it would be an honour to get you into my bed."

"Dream on soldier, I'll be in your house for a while and if you try as much as to lay a finger on me, I'll break your third leg."

He winced. "That's strong even for you."

He changed the topic. In as much as he would like to dwell on the topic of his escapades; he had more pressing matters to attend to. "So when are you starting your new job?"

"Today, by 1p.m., I will be at the station."

"I hope they let you consult once in a while, I would still love to have you here."

"I'll come by once in a blue moon." She chuckled.

"Okay, I'll get a copy of my key so you can go home and rest."

"Don't worry, I will stay till 1p.m. and help out as much as I can." She touched his hand and he smiled warmly.

"Sweet, there's a patient with muscle atrophy in room 184, attend to her and then look through this diagnosis for me and see what you can recommend. I love you three thousand!" he gave her a thumb up.

She returned his thumb up. "I'll get to work then, boss."

"When will you return home?" he asked.

"I'm not sure, but I'll go meet those people today to get some answers."

"I wish you wouldn't go, this might not end well for you." he said but she left anyway. 'Always a stubborn brat who thinks she is so tough, I hope she'll be fine.' He said silently and closed his eyes a bit before getting up to attend to his next patient.