Contract Marriage

There was no way in hell—or heaven—that Oliver would have thought that he would come back home after waking up in a bar just to be left standing in the centre of the living room while his family accused him of being a rapist and that in front of the raped girl.

In his perspective several things didn't add up. How could he have raped someone at a hotel and then wake up in the same bar he had gotten drunk in last night? Did he walk back by himself? Did he and his friends do something silly? That was highly unlikely.

Oliver's brain was nearly out of juice. His headache got worse. She glared at the lady again and the hatred radiated off his body. He has never seen her before!

He took a deep breath and toned down his voice so as not to scare the already scared lady, "I didn't rape her and I can swear it!"

"You can swear it?" Mr Eduardo bellowed, "Where were you last night?"

Oliver scratched his head a bit before replying, "I was out with a few friends who came into town a few days ago. We drank a few bottles of beer and I woke up this morning at the bar and I was alone!"

The others scoffed at his poor excuse. That video was part of the full video but the blackmailers only sent this part and asked for a huge amount of money in exchange for their silence.

Lucas sighed at his brother's stubbornness. "You just blacked out like that and expect everyone to believe you? This video is real and we've checked to see if there's any sign of manipulation and there is none."

"I didn't…"

"Stop!" Mr Eduardo scowled loudly that everyone including Valerie jolted in shock. "If you didn't do it then why were you in the video and on top of her naked body for that matter? Do you know how bad this looks on us?

"These people have a weapon against our family and if we don't meet their demands then we're doomed. And I can't talk about her father, what will he do?" he gestured at Valerie. Her father was indeed a very powerful politician.

The good news turned out to be that he was so pissed off that his daughter was raped but his anger was calmed a bit when the Eduardos offered a way to save him face.

"I didn't do such a thing!" Oliver said with his eyes getting teary, "I would never rape a helpless girl. I have never taken advantage of any woman before and…"

"Just quit whining already." Another cousin spoke up. Surprisingly the other family members were silent. Maybe they were too embarrassed and angry to speak or they thought that talking to him would be a waste of breath as usual.

"I've decided on a way to stop this from getting out of hand," Mr Eduardo paused and looked from Valerie and then back to Oliver before adding, "you will marry her and take responsibility for your actions."

"What?!" Oliver exclaimed in surprise. He had never thought that it would get to this. The worst thing apart from being called a rapist is being forced to marry the same person.

The rest of the family nodded with grim expressions and only Lucas had a stoic look on his face. Valerie on the other hand was now sobbing like there was no tomorrow.

Oliver knew how much of a disgust he looked to her right now. He knew that if Valerie could get a knife then she'd probably stab him to death over and over again.

He too didn't want to go into a forced marriage with her. On the one hand, he didn't like her and doesn't know anything about her and on the other hand he found that it was strange that he should marry someone he didn't even rape in the first place.

Oliver was sure that he didn't rape her but the video…

He fell silent and didn't even have the strength to protest. He soon discovered that no amount of arguing or complaining would change anything so he kept quiet yet his mind was made up. He would do anything to reveal the truth and show everyone that he didn't rape her.


That same afternoon, the court marriage was held and the documents were signed and rings were exchanged between Oliver and Valerie. A few people even made a joke about their name having 'V' in the spelling.

This further added to Oliver's mood. His hand had been very heavy while signing the document. It wasn't just a marriage certificate that he signed but an ultimatum to state that he would never mistreat or throw out Valerie after their marriage.

Any breach of contract would result in him being disowned and going to jail for his crimes. He didn't really care about the former but the latter was what he was afraid of. If he went to jail then he wouldn't have the chance to prove his innocence and he would forever be branded a rapist.

The satisfied grin on most of his cousins faces made him want to puke. It seemed like they had gotten rid of a stubborn and filthy garbage once and for all.

He swallowed hard and glanced at Valerie who looked worse than he did. It was now that he noticed a bruise on her cheek. Her hair had covered it the last time so he didn't really notice. The other bruise was on her collar bone.

As he stared at her, a boiling hatred arose from the bottom of his heart for this lady that has ruined his life.

On the other hand, Valerie was faring really bad. The contract she signed was that if she broke the marriage then she would be disowned and thrown out by her father as he didn't want to deal with the shame.

Right now she had no home and she had been wrapped up and given to this rapist who knows nothing but to satisfy his ungodly desires. Her whole life was broken and she didn't know what to do. How will she live with him and be able to look into his eyes?

Her mind drifted to the man she has always loved and had planned on marrying. Now he will find out about this and be pissed off. She didn't even get the chance to tell him or break up with him.

Valerie felt an indescribable hatred towards Oliver erupt in her heart and she unconsciously clenched her fist till her knuckles turned white.


After the small ceremony, the new couple were ready to leave for their honeymoon. Oliver made it clear that the moment he left the house he would never come back no matter what.

His father agreed. Before he left, he got a copy of the video from Lucas and earned another name among his cousins. They murmured that he wanted the video so that he will be able to watch it and get horny….

Oliver ignored them and got into the car alongside Valerie. The ride was terribly silent….