
Misthill, Crevania

It was already 8p.m. and the sky was dark. Priscilla sat inside the cab that was taking her to Donald's condo with a pensive expression on her face as she considered all the things that had happened in the day.

The lunch with the Colonel was good and she got to know a lot about him as well. She also got to know a lot about the military situation in the country and this was good since she had successfully infiltrated the military then she needed as much information as she could get and what better way to get them?

She smiled slightly at the thought that for the time in many years her plans were falling in place. She felt that she was closer to her revenge.

The taxi stopped in front of the condo and she got out. She used the key that Donald had prepared for her and got in. her legs felt heavy for an unknown reason and she couldn't help but bend down to massage them.

The moment she came to the living room she came face to face with an angry Donald sitting on the sofa with his hands folded across his chest. She raised an eyebrow and glanced around the room to look for anything out of place but found none.

She wondered what could have worsened his mood but nothing came to her mind unless he failed to hit on a girl today. She was well aware of his hobby and she also knew that any day he came home without getting laid would lead to his mood becoming sour.

She knew this because she had spent a few nights here in the past and working for him at the hospital didn't help matters. Sometimes he would transfer that annoyance to the doctors and nurses and make everyone tensed.

"Hey, what's up with you?" she asked after considering her words for a while.

Donald glared at her and replied, "So you've finally returned huh?"

Priscilla sighed deeply. She should have known that this was his problem. "But I told you I'd run late."

"I'm not pissed that you came home late but that you came home late after meeting with that animal!"

"Who? K9?" she asked before coming to a realisation. Donald never supported her association with K9.

"Why are you doing this?" he asked a bit agitated this time. "Why can't you stay away from danger?"

Priscilla clicked her tongue as if she was thinking hard but then she shook her head. "You know I can't. I need them as much as they need me and you know why I'm doing this."

"I do but what I don't understand is why you can't carry out this plan for revenge in a different way."

"You think it's so easy huh? I've worked hard all my life just to get where I am and K9 has helped me too and I can't just abandon them." She threw her hands in the air in exasperation. Why was Donald acting up now as if he didn't know about this already?

"I don't understand why you trust that bastard. The fucker tried to kill you!" Donald jumped to his feet and towered above Priscilla while his eyes burned with anger. This anger wasn't directed at her but at K9.

Priscilla stepped back calculatedly before looking at him again. "I spoke to him and he said that it was a mistake and that he only wanted to speak to me. Mostly about why I didn't make contact for eight months."

"I don't mean the attempt a few days ago—which still pisses me off—I mean 15 years ago!" at the mention of that part of her past, Donald shuddered a bit. That was around the time he had met her.

"Ralph never wanted to kill me." Priscilla argued.

"Oh yeah?" Donald arched his eyebrows at her. "It didn't look like that when I saw him holding a gun to your head at the edge of a cliff while you were hanging helplessly begging him!"

He had been there fifteen years ago and he saw it with his own eyes. She was so helpless and afraid that he had to risk his life to rescue her. It was a stupid move since K9 would have killed him but he still did it anyway.

Maybe because at that time he didn't have anything to live for. He had seen as K9 moved his finger on the trigger and made to shoot her but he had jumped in at the last moment. K9 had become enraged and charged at him with the gun…

"He wasn't going to shoot me back then besides I was stalking the guy for weeks!" Priscilla explained but even she couldn't believe her own explanation.

"Is that why you joined the Fillers as well just to screw with K9?"

"The Fillers are a different case, Donald and I don't expect you to understand." She lowered her eyes a bit.

Donald scoffed at her and took a few steps back. "Suit yourself. If you want to die then do so at your leisure but know that toying with the boys in uniform doesn't end well."

Priscilla gritted her teeth and clenched her fist. She wanted to say something but her mouth just hung open and she didn't know what to say anymore. Donald was right. She in fact didn't trust K9 fully and only formed an alliance with them because she knew that with them the chances of her getting her revenge was very favourable.

She sighed and sat down on the sofa while her mind ran a marathon. Later, Donald came back with a thick blanket and threw it at her. "Your room is ready."

He went to his own room and closed the door. He was clearly still pissed off at her. It hurt Priscilla to know that even the one person she had thought would understand her was having doubts as well. She picked up the blanket and slowly made her way to the bedroom that Donald had prepared for her.