
"Nasty." Detective Ashton glanced at the pool of blood with wide eyes. Clair had recovered a bit in time to call the police and inform them of the murder at the apartment.

The police arrived minutes ago with an ambulance only to be shocked out of their wits by the brutality of it all.

Bobby's body was a mess of flesh, bones and blood and his body was butchered to the point that it could fit into a shopping cart. Even the forensic experts had to pack the battered flesh and bones into a bag and load it up in the ambulance.

It was very shocking and brutal. The scene alone was enough to make someone retch their guts out. Clair—who was still crying—would have surely done that if not for the fact that she had seen and gotten used to these horror scenes at the hospital.

She had seen different wounds, blood, mangled flesh and bones in two years that she had grown immune to them. She was whimpering while muttering Bobby's name intermittently. She sat on the floor at a corner while hugging her knees.

"Whoever did this knew exactly what they wanted," Mark, the second detective added. "I can't actually guess what weapon they used here."

"I'd have to say a combination of weapons. The hole on his stomach looks like it was ripped out by a sort of metallic claws while his head seemed like a hammer." Ashton bent down and looked at the blood mess up close.

Mark pointed at the living room. "The trail starts there. Likely the killer or killers hit him and followed him here."

Ashton shook his head slightly. "I think this was done by a group of people. There's no way one person could do this even if he caught him off guards. My guess is that he was restrained."

"Either way one thing is for sure," Mark shrugged and stood straight. "The brutality shows intent. A kind of message and it makes me think it has something to do with a personal vendetta."

They walked towards Clair who was still bundled up at the corner. Mark shot Ashton a look as if urging him to take the lead. Ashton rolled his eyes but cleared his throat and said, "Clair, we need to ask you a few things regarding this murder."

She nodded absentmindedly. She felt like she had no reason to live anymore. She felt her whole world crumble right before her. She was broken and the pain was too much to handle. Her heart was beating faster and at the same time it was sinking when she thought about the fact that she would no longer see Bobby again.

Just when she was hoping they'd get married and her dream would be realised…

Mark nodded. "Do you know if Bobby was involved in anything illegal and dangerous or with dangerous people?"

"None that I know of," she wiped her eyes and sniffled. Her voice was choking. "He owned a garage and that's where he spent most of his time. I also have a job so I'm not with him all day but I do know that he isn't involved with anyone dangerous."

Ashton wrote down the information. He had it in mind to check the garage. "What about conflicts? Did he have any confrontation with anyone recently?"

Clair shook her head again. "I don't know and if he did he would tell me about it. He's never mentioned having a major fight with anyone much less being threatened…."

Mark and Ashton exchanged looks when they noticed that Clair had paused mid-sentence as if she had realised something or was holding back information.

"…unless, it was Donald Dwayne!"

"Donald Dwayne? The surgeon at Dwayne's Medical Centre?" Ashton asked with a pale face. His eyes became hazy.

Clair nodded quickly and found the strength to stand up. "This morning he had tried to ask me out but I refused telling him I had a boyfriend. He told me that he would kill my boyfriend so that I would be free to go out with him!"

"That bastard!" Ashton punched the wall in a fit of anger.

"You should calm down." Mark reminded him by pressing his shoulder softly. Ashton took deep breaths. He felt a surge of hatred arise in him so much so that he couldn't control himself.

"Back then I took it as a joke because he is like that. He is always joking around with us except when he's in a bad mood."

"We have a suspect," Ashton put away his notepad. "Let's question him first thing in the morning."

The two detectives turned to leave but waited a bit. Their eyes travelled from Clair to the puddle of blood scattered around the room. Mark wanted to speak but his voice was stuck to his throat.

Ashton ended up speaking up. "Will you be okay? The forensics will clean up the mess when we're gone."

"I'll be fine, detective." She nodded. She knew what they were afraid of. They feared she might commit suicide when she was left alone.

"If you remember anything, contact me." He handed her his card and they left soon after.


The next morning, the two detectives walked into the Dwayne's Medical Centre and showed their badges and asked to be directed to Donald.

They were told the floor and room number. They entered the elevator and arrived at the office. The doctor was there reading a very large book. He seemed very focus that he didn't pay them any attention when they walked in on his approval.

Donald lifted his head slowly and saw the two men. "How may I help you, officers?"

Ashton sat down impatiently. "You're a suspect in the brutal murder of Bobby, Clair's boyfriend."

"Who?" Donald asked with raised eyebrows. He was sure that he had never heard such a name before and even if he did he didn't remember.

"We have an understanding that you threatened to kill Clair's boyfriend if she didn't go out with you yesterday." Mark explained.

"Oh, that." Donald tapped the table reflexively with his index finger while falling into deep thought.