Problems And Solutions

"Okay, everyone is here. Let's begin." K9 swept his gaze across the hall at the different members of the team that sat around the long table.

This, as usual, was another random location but Priscilla admired that K9 put a lot of thought in each meeting and made sure to arrange everything in advance. She took her seat as did the other members of the team.

K5 stood up with a serious expression and switched on the projector. "As you know, we've gathered information on the Base 52 and we largely know most of their operations and this means we have ways to get in and get what we want but there are some problems."

He made the projection switch to a map view of the base with red dots highlighting different areas on the map. "These red dots show the security cameras available on the outside of the building and mostly on the inside though most cameras aren't accounted for."

He switched the projection again and this time blue dots highlighted the map. "This here shows the number of soldiers that work on the base and they serve as guards. They are about ten dozens of them."

He switched the projection again and moved to the next map but this one was highlighted with green dots. "These are the number of exits available in the base. As you can see we have four one on each side but only one entrance. The exits—according to our sources—are rarely opened and were meant for emergencies."

He pressed another button and the projection changed again. He pointed his hand at the picture of the base's entrance. "Since there's one entrance, everyone that enters or leaves must scan their ID which is a good thing."

He switched the projection again. "We have information that the exoskeleton suit we're looking for is at the lowest floor in the base which is probably an underground building. Then there's the problem of exiting with the exoskeleton suit. Any ideas on how to counter these?"

K2 raised his hand. "I was in charge of looking through most of the soldiers who work inside the base. According to the information we received, they're two who have their shifts on Monday morning and they live close together and they usually meet up before they leave.

"If we can ambush them then we can take their ID's and send two of our members to infiltrate easily and this should solve the problem of entry."

"We have to consider if the guards we are planning to knock out are very popular there so as not to risk blowing our cover before we even begin." Priscilla cut in. the rest nodded to show that they agreed.

"As for the ten dozen soldiers," K9 stroked his chin slightly, feeling his stubble under his palm. "We don't have to worry too much since this mission is not going to be an all-out attack but a stealth mission. If we find a way to sneak in then good."

"The cameras?" K8 asked with a raised hand.

K5 lifted his face and smiled. "I've already gotten most of the information I need about the cameras and within the area and with careful operation I might be able trick the cameras to buy you time to get to the lower floors."

"So that problem is solved?" K4 asked. Her eyebrows were raised as if she thought it was too easy.

K9 nodded and added, "After the cameras have been tempered with then K1 and K3 will infiltrate—assuming we find a way to fake their appearance—then they will separate at one point.

"K1 will wait at the second exit which is at the eastern side and when the time is right, he will let K10 and K11 enter.

"K10 and K11 are to immediately move towards the laboratory and find the Monitor or its blueprint."

K11 raised her hand and K9 nodded for her to speak. "That still leaves the question of the military suit."

"That's why we have K3," K9 smiled. "He and K7 should be able to get to the lower floor and get the suit then break it apart and fit the pieces in different cases which will be easier for transportation."

Priscilla thought with a frown on her face. This was the only part she had been given so far and it was the most dangerous part. "How would I be able to get in? Don't they have a rule prohibiting others who aren't supposed to be there from going?"

"She's right, K9." K4 said with a straight face. "It might raise questions if she is seen at the base just before a military exoskeleton suit goes missing and given that she is recognisable they will find it odd that she went to the lower floor."

K9 nodded. "That would be troubling but I have it covered. The base isn't actually a secret base and they let any member of the military to visit as long as they have plausible reasons to do so.

"Priscilla is a military doctor now and she has qualification to just visit there. As for her being suspected about the missing suit, it is unlikely since she will be around the soldiers at all-time just until the grand moment.

"K7 will then move to the lower floor and aid K3."

"We're still not accounting for the guards. What if they usually patrol the corridors?"

"They don't," K1 said firmly. "With a few bribes here and there, we were able to know that they have checkpoints. With this we have an added advantage over them. Besides, we plan to distract them a bit."

"And how will that work?" Priscilla raised an eyebrow.

"Don't worry about that and just focus and making sure that the moment K1 opens the eastern exit, you'll cut the light in the base.

"This will be easy as you have to find a power switch here." K9 pointed at the projection.

"That should be easy but what about the 'guards' I'll be around and what reason would I give for being at Base 52?"

"What else?" K9 chuckled. "You're there because you're fascinated about the many things they do there and they will give you a tour.

"Base 52 was mostly involved with laboratory experiments although most of their experiments were hidden from public knowledge, it wouldn't be weird for the overly enthusiastic Dr Harris to ask for a tour in the base."

"We still have more problems, K9"

"That's why we're at this meeting. Bring them to the table." He smiled eerily and Priscilla only blinked.