Moving Out

"What about the exit?" Priscilla asked. She was aware that the base had four emergency exits and only one entrance which would mean that they'd have to come out through the entrance again.

"K6 and K4 will take care of the exit," K9 explained. "I have arranged a chopper for them just a few metres away from the base. Immediately the suit has been extracted, they will touch down at one of the emergency exits."

"Which of the exits? So far only k1 will go to the eastern exit point."

"If all goes well then everyone will have to meet at the eastern exit and leave at the same time. With the exception of K7, that is."

"What about the two guards we'll impersonate?" K4 asked with a grim look. It would really be a shame if they pulled off the plan just to be recognised as imposters. She knew very well what consequences lay in being discovered.

K9 stroked his chin for a while as he thought about the matter carefully. He then said, "Let me worry about that for now. Just proceed with the plan as it is."

Everyone nodded. K9 tapped that table and said, "We will strike tomorrow as you all know so be on standby. Each of you should get a copy of the base's map and study it to understand your roles."

After a few more discussions and adjustments to the plan, everyone left but Priscilla stayed behind. Her face had uncertainty written all over it.

K9 noticed this and chuckled. "You need a drink, K7?"

"I want to know one thing, K9," she said gritting her teeth. "What will you do with the military exoskeleton suit after we take it?"

K9 smiled brightly. He walked to the small bucket that was kept at the corner. It was filled with ice and a bottle of wine was placed in the ice. He took the wine and got himself a glass. It was a habit of K9 to always make sure to keep at least a bottle of wine whenever they had a meeting like this—and this wine was only for him.

"Why don't you have a drink first?" he stretched the filled glass towards Priscilla.

"Answer me first!"

K9 shrugged and took a sip of the wine. "We will know that the moment the suit is extracted."

Priscilla wanted to press on but then she thought otherwise. She sighed and nodded heavily before turning away to leave the room. As she walked to the door, K9 called after her. "You should be careful around those brutes at the military HQ."

Priscilla nodded and then turned back and left the room. She returned to Donald's condo with a serous expression. What she was about to do the next day was something very serious and important and she had to be in the right frame of mind.

Donald was working on his laptop and he glanced at her the moment she came in. she paused and bit her lower lip in contemplation. Should she tell Donald about it?

She had grown to trust him and hid only a few things from him. At times when she told him things that bothered her it made it seem slightly less burdening and he never judged her in all of those things.

She sighed and decided it was a bad idea. She didn't want to rope him into the mess her life had become.

"Are you coming in or you're going to stand there and gape at my handsome face?" Donald asked with a smirk as he returned her gaze with hands folded across his chest.

"Very funny," Priscilla said and moved to sit down on the sofa. "What are you doing?"

"Research," Donald said with a corny smile. "About how I can become even more charming for the ladies."

Priscilla saw no reason to reply to his words. She instead massaged her temple before looking back at Donald. "I will be going back to my apartment this evening."

Donald raised his head and gave her a puzzled look. After a few more seconds he asked, "Why?"

"I didn't plan to stay here forever you know," she said pulling her hair behind her ear. "My house is now safe and I have a few military guards."

"But you can still stay here, right?"

"I can but I shouldn't."

"Look," Donald pushed his laptop away and gave her a straight look. "If this is about my privacy or space then you don't have to leave. Treat this place as your own!"

Donald was even surprised by how eager he was to convince her to stay yet he didn't mind it. He wanted her to stay. These past few weeks had made him feel closer to her than the past 15 years they've worked together. True they went to the same high school and college but they only saw each other as often as it was possible but now he could sleep knowing that she was in the next room.

Priscilla smiled gently and interlocked her fingers as she leaned closer. "I know that, Donald. I know what you mean but I still have to go back to my own space."

Donald grunted and avoided her eyes. He pulled his laptop closer and continued to type. After a while he looked up again and said, "Just know that I didn't approve of this because it's too sudden."

Priscilla smiled widely. "I can live with that besides, I can always drop by on weekends to see you."

Donald nodded but his mind still in thought and he came to realisation. "Wait a moment," he raised a finger at Priscilla. "Did Richard tell you to do this? Did he tell you to move out so he could visit you as often as he likes?"

"There was no such thing!" Priscilla rolled her eyes at him. She got up and walked towards the room that had been hers for the past weeks. She stopped and added, "I'm leaving in the evening."

Donald didn't say anything. He just continued with his work. Priscilla went to start packing. She had come here with a few clothes that she brought from Richard's but now she had a lot more.