Willingness (Part 1)

"Change me for what? So you can suck my blood dry and kill me in a single shot? Well, I would..."

Maya yelled at him a she called,


Then, she continued,

"Look at me!"

She forced his face to look at her, leading him to stare at her jade-colored eyes that resembled someone who he had kill. 

Thus, she continued again as she said,

"Did you know that I don't actually care about your past?"

Then, she continued again,

"I would accept you, deep in my heart! Even if that means that you will be my rapist, murderer or what you name it! But, you must accept yourself as well. You are not longer [The Young Battosai Handi Amakusa]. But, you are the CEO of your own tech company and your cryptocurrency company, calling himself [Handi Amakusa, the CEO of the tech company]. Understand?"

But, she did not stopping there, she continued again as she said,