Willingness (part 2)

"We are conducting a legal business here. As a yakuza, we hold our ethics code as a family. Ones who snitch shall be slit! And ones who betray shall be erased for eternity! We won't do the illegal business! Understand?"

All of them who heard that words replied in the sync as they yelled,

"Yes, boss!"

Then, Handi decided to talk the next words as he said,

"I think my role as a student ends here. I had to return to my old day as [The Young Battosai] again. .Not for those who I had been to, but for the justice!"

"But, young master, you are a CEO already. Let us do..."

Handi looked at them, reminding them as he said,

"To be fair, gentleman. I wish that I won't get involved with this. But, this incident had led me to left no choice but to fight. Thus, I shall do it or else, our clan and our ideal will be in the danger!"

But again, they were opposed.