A Warning

It has been a year since the first time Elias came to study at our estate, and sadly I won't be seeing him as much. The only times he will be able to come by, is to train with me. The Council has decided to pull His Highness from our safety, putting him back into the harsh castle.

I think that it was a warning since they worry that I'm a bad influence on the Prince. It has been a while since I've gone to the castle, a month to be exact. Elias calls me daily, however, he sounds stressed, like everything is closing in on him.

Holding a cup of tea in my hand, I gazed out the window. By the time I brought myself back to the present, the teacup was cool. The smell of mint was strong in the air.

"I suppose, I can request to visit the Prince, we have some planning to do anyway." Placing the cup gently on the plate, I found myself looking out the window again. Mother has nagged on me for countless things, that I can't stand being in the same room, for more than a couple of minutes.

The air was now getting brisk, leaves were slowly falling, as October began. Mother didn't allow me to sit in the garden for more than thirty minutes, because she didn't want me to get sick. It was the dragon statues that I wanted to study, even though I've examined them countless times.

For the past month, a dragon with red scales, who lived in a cave, spoke to me in my dreams. I wanted to talk with Elias about it, but I couldn't help that this dragon was warning me about something.

"Miss, Prince Elias has arrived at the estate. Where would you like to meet him?" I stood up, wrapping a shawl around me, in case we go into the garden.

"I'll meet him in the foyer." I placed down the cup on the table, knowing it will be gone when I come back. Rushing out of my room, my steps padded on the floor, as I made it to the staircase, where I paused to look at him.

"I thought I would have to wait forever, Lady Willow." Stepping down each step, not wanting to cause a sound, since Mother has perfect hearing, she can hear a pencil drop onto the carpet.

"Come, Your Highness." I curtsied to his highness, then waved my hand, asking him to follow me in a hushed voice. I decided not to enter the gardens because Mother was watching the door like a hawk. Instead, I went to the training ring, where we could speak freely.

I picked up a wooden sword to divert my attention from his tired look, as he looked disheveled and sick. Whatever was happening at the castle, it was the Council's fault, always targeting the young prince.

"Rebecca, is there a possibility that you can do some type of training at the castle?" The sword froze, as I stopped twirling it. "I don't know, take some etiquette classes or basic training." I stared at him, and he was slowly becoming flustered.

"You know Mother wouldn't let me pick up a sword outside of this estate. What else is there?" He perked up, standing straighter than before he spoke. I chuckled inwardly, the Prince was such a character.

"We could probably take a class together, I'm sure the Duke would allow you." I nodded, but I still couldn't shake off that something was bothering him.

"What is it?" Stepping in front of the young man, I leaned down to look into his bluish-green eyes. "It's the Council isn't it?" He nodded answering my question, he slid his hand over his face, letting out a sigh.

"The Councilor wants to make my life miserable, he has signed me up for so many classes, that I'm not getting proper sleep." He took a seat on the ground, I kept standing, going back to twirling the sword.

"No wonder you look horrible," I muttered, I caught his glare, but shrugged it off.

"What classes are you taking, if you have a history then I'll transfer." He thought for a moment.

"I do have a history class, however can you keep up?" He joked around and paused when I raised an eyebrow. "There's a reason why you like history, it's easy for you is that it?" Looking away from those questioning eyes, I looked out the window, it was almost sunset.

Walking toward the doors, I opened them, letting the cool air flow in. Letting my thoughts run through my mind, as I thought of an answer.

"I relate to history, I like to study our relationship between dragons and humans. I hate how dragons, can't freely show themselves, because of humans' greed. It also is easy for me, if you need help, I can help you out." I finally answered.

Elias walked to the sword rack, picking up one, studying the blade and the hilt. Looking out into the backyard, I took a deep breath in.

"There is also something bothering you, Rebecca." He stepped closer to the open doors, which I was about to close before he walked out.

"I worry about a lot of things." Letting out another sigh, he turned around with his sword perfectly balanced on his finger.

"Like what?" He asked, looking in my direction.

"My dreams are getting stranger, it's like a warning." He turned around giving me a perplexed expression.

"They have a dragon. The same one that you dreamed about, with a red dragon?" I looked up to the sky, nodding to his question.

"I know he is trying to speak to me, but I can't understand the language he's speaking." His eyes widen in shock. 'Why would a dragon speak to a human?' he thought to himself.

"Is there anything else?" I shook my head, yet I couldn't help but wonder what dangers were coming my way.


My schedule changed within a week, I left with Father early in the mornings to attend history lessons, which Elias tried to get out of.

Father knew my fascination with history, thus he spoke in greater detail, and half of the time Elias would take a nap, relying on my notes.

Walking down the hallway, after using the ladies' room, I heard a set of familiar voices. Peaking around the corner, the Council stood there in frustration, and I leaned against the wall, capturing parts of their conversation.

"Councilor James, she is now on our turf, what should we do?" A council member spoke to the cold man. I knew they weren't excited that the King approved of my lesson here, since, he is also worried about Elias.

"We'll show her, who runs these grounds. I'll find a way to get rid of that intelligent child. But, with the Prince protecting her, it will be more troublesome." The Councilor muttered aloud, I smirked to myself. 'Good luck getting rid of me, I'll find my way back.'

When their steps retreated, walking down the opposite way, I turned around the corner and paused to greet the Councilor, who stayed.

"Lady Willow, how are you enjoying taking lessons at the castle, they must be harder, hmm?" He smiled crookedly, I looked into his eyes. Brown to bluish-green, both showing their strong dislike for each other.

"It is fine Councilor, actually history is easy for me. Oh, and a little reminder, if you want to plan something, don't speak where you could be overheard." Walking away, it was pleasant to see shook cover his face.

"Rebecca Willow, you're picking a fight that you won't be able to win. Watch your back or something bad might happen." I smirked, turning down the hall, pulling out my phone, I turned off the recording.

"Hmm, "I hummed to myself while walking back to the lesson room. Father looked at the tired Prince, before letting out a sigh.

"How am I suppose to teach him, when all he does is sleep. I know he has other classes, but you can't keep taking his notes for him." I chuckled, walking up from behind Elias, patting him gently on his back.

He sat up with wide eyes, rubbing them, then he looked like he was going to lay back on the table again.

"Wake up, learn some history." Flicking him hard on the forehead. I caught Father's appalled expression when he saw a mark.

"That hurt." He rubbed the spot, and I turned around in my seat to focus on what Father was teaching. We were learning about the Dragon Wars, per the request of the Council.

Kicking Elias under the table, every time he looked like he was falling asleep until he picked up his pencil to write notes.

"Lesson is over, for the rest of time, how about you two walk around. Start waking up Prince Elias." Father gave him a pointed look while picking up his papers.

Watching him leave the room, I looked in Elias's direction. "What are we doing today?" He smiled while pulling out five eggs. They looked cooked, but who knows with the Prince.

"The Council is having a conference with The King, if we leave now, we can stink up their offices." I smiled, at best we had twenty minutes before they zoomed to their offices, never seen for the rest of the day.

"Let's not waste this time." Both dashing out of the room, we went separate directions, not wanting to bring attention to ourselves, with us together.

With three eggs in my hand, I walked into the Councilor's office, placing an egg in his chair, luckily his seat cover was close to the egg color.

Placing two more in places that even butlers couldn't find them, it would be a couple of days before the eggs would stink, worth the wait.

Bumping into Elias, I gave a thumbs up. We left through the back door, escaping to the gardens, the gardens were enclosed, and this provide plenty of places to hide, as it was full of plants.

I smiled at Elias, when Councilor James came out to the gardens, with egg dripping down his pants. He knew who the culprits were, yet he couldn't provide evidence.

The King wouldn't believe the man's words since his son has taken a liking to the youngster, even she knew.

"Rebecca, we need to go, I have a lesson, so do you." Councilor James left in a hurry, I chuckled to myself. 'You don't threaten me and expect to come out unharmed.' Elias walked me to the front where Gerald waited, both of them nodded to each other.

Taking the proffered cloak, I let it cover up my blue dress, the dress was simple, yet beautiful. It had bell sleeves, with lace on the edges, and light bunches of fabric on the front.

"We shall go." Walking out the door and down the steps, Gerald opened the car door that was parked, in the roundabout.

Once settled in, I relaxed a bit, here at the castle I had to respect the liars to their face, but at home, I could speak my mind.