"Citizens of the great country of Belfare, I have come to speak to you about two certain individuals, that came to speak of the country's interest, when it was needed." Silence filling the air, as people waited for what the King would say next.
"It is not every day that you see a youngster, come to the throne room to speak their piece, yet I met two that came with a plan to make a safer place, in our home.
"Lady Rebecca Willow, daughter of Duke Willow and Duchess Willow, was the inspiration of the bill. Come." My heart was beating rapidly against the cage, as he held out his hand, beckoning in my direction.
Standing up, while breathing out a sign of air, I took a shaky first step toward the podium, then it wore off as I locked eyes with the Councilors. As his smirk turned into a grimace as he watched the young lady gain her courage instantly.
Elias gave me an encouraging smile, as I now stood on the raised platform, those few faces in the crowd, smiled. The press of creating a Live, so that all of the citizens could watch the ceremony before the night would start.
"This young lady, came to me, speaking about the working class, and how the high crime rates made these businesses suffer. She said that having more soldiers patrol the streets would help lower the crime rates and it did, it is now at its lowest.
"Lady Willow also said that for the economy to grow, our businesses should be protected, for it is them that this country at its best." The few in the crowd cheered, and some with tears trailing down on their faces.
"That is not all, the Prince also came to me, to speak of the situation, supporting the plans of Lady Willow. Come, Prince Elias." Elias stood up, walking over to where I was standing. His servant presented two pins, that were the symbol of citizenship, and outstanding achievement.
"I present to Lady Rebecca Willow, daughter of Duke Willow, the pin of Citizenship, and outstanding achievement. For you put aside your title, and spoke like a real citizen and provided an unbiased opinion that helped the country." Placing the pin over my heart he smiled lightly, and I smiled back. "Good job, young lady," he spoke to me.
"I present to Prince Elias Flames, son of King Flames, the pin of Citizenship and outstanding achievement. For you looked out for your country, as the future ruler, and helped the situation." He smiled at his father, and tears looked like they were going to surface on the men.
The King turned to the crowd, and ended the ceremony with closing words, that have passed by my ears before, plenty of times.
"Good Citizens of Belfare, enjoy the rest of your day, have fun at the festival, and be safe." Turning around, he walked to the door, with his generals and the Councilor following behind, going back to the dark castle.
When the King left, the few that got to see the ceremony in person, walked out to their cars, waiting for the festival to start. Walking back to the SUV, I picked up a box that held Elias's gift, before Gerald reached out to help. Allowing him to carry it to where Elias was standing on the steps of the castle.
"What's this?" The box laid at his feet the wrapper glittered in the last rays of sunlight. He reached down and unboxed everything, pulling out the three boxes of limited edition car sets.
"Happy Birthday, Prince Elias." He smiled, clutching onto the boxes. And for the first time, about mentioning his birthday, a smile came onto his face. A pleasant boyish one.
"Thank you, my lady." I bowed while turning toward the front entrance. The festival was about to start. Eventually, a cannon set off, announcing it was time, and outside the castle wall, life could be heard clearly.
"Shall we attend the festival?" He handed the gifts to the King's secretary and made his way to stand by me. Mother and Father left with the crowd, knowing I had a gift for the Prince.
"Can you keep up with me?" I joked. Tonight, whatever chains that are holding me down, will be released for this one night. I was going to enjoy myself, even if Mother disapproves.
Running to the drawbridge, in the yards of the castle, some tents held games and prizes. The walkway could wait until people settle down, the last thing we needed was the Prince falling.
"Three shots, to win a prize." Turning around to the old merchant, three darts were lying on the table, and balloons of every color lining the wall. Stuffed animals hang, and there was an adorable tiger, that had the cutest sparkling eyes.
"What does it take to get the tiger?" I asked fishing out my small wallet. The merchant looked up and smiled.
"Seven shots for the tiger." I knew these games were gambling, which meant I had to buy three sets of darts, and have two useless extras, for my aim was always true.
"Do you have a deal, five for the price of three or something like that?" He shook his head, and I placed down the first five-dollar bill. "I'll take three for now." Looking at the dartboard, I picked out the colors that I was going to take down, pinks and oranges.
"Are you sure you don't want the fella to shoot for you?" I threw the dart by his head hitting a bullseye, with another coming in his direction, popping another pink balloon.
"I can win the prize by myself." Paying for another two sets of rounds, I took out four pinks and three oranges. Winning the adorable stuffed white tiger, with beautiful blue eyes, I smiled to myself as I held it in my arms, and the merchant shivered with fear as he looked at the young lady.
"I'll shoot the last two, what do I get?" Elias reached out his hand, after firing the two darts in two blue balloons. The merchant handed him a plushy stress cube. I let out a giggle, 'that's what he needed, how fitting.' I thought to myself.
The Prince nodded to the merchant, pocketing the prize with pride. It took me everything not to laugh again. Going to different stands, we played until we got a small prize, and some of them greeted the young prince and gave us a bargain.
Looking toward the street, there would be floats that would pass through, with spectacular designs. The breeze picked up slightly, I smiled into the fall air, the weather was warm almost like summer, even though it was September
"Let's go, I know a great spot." Elias tugged at my sleeve, pulling me in the opposite direction of the street. I accidentally bumped into a man, and when I looked up, I stifled a groan. This man was, of course, the Councilor. He smiled darkly then left without a word.
"He's unpleasant," I spoke aloud, turning back to the Prince. Pulling him away from the crowd, I bought a cap for him, covering his features. Elias took me by the hand until I forced him to let go, as we began to climb up a hill.
Following in his footsteps, we walked to an old building. I could see where this was going, on the side, was a ladder leading up to the roof. Picking up the pace, I allowed the prince to reach the roof first. Climbing up, I looked out on the street and took the outreached hand.
Once on the roof, I leaned against the chimney, watching the streets glow to life. Lanterns filled the sky, with fireworks. It was four hours into the festival, and I couldn't stand how glum Elias looked at the moment, he was ruining the scene.
"Huh, what is it?" Popping out the question, he looked toward me with confusion evident on his face, he took off the cap. His already ruffled hair, breezed in the air, as did mine.
"I'm just worried, that I'm involving you in the family business. The Councilor is giddy about something, and I've always known that he had some hold on my father. Furthermore, he seems to rebel at the thought of me becoming the crown prince. There is a reason that I've brought you to the castle, I need help gaining my title again."
I looked out to the castle, it was bright with lights, yet I couldn't help but wonder what the King was doing this night. Looking up to the bright stars, I smiled at the crescent moon.
"And you're worried about this on such a festive day?" looking at his gloomy features, I let out another sigh. "Don't think that you're using me, I'd liked to give the Council piece of mind. They're not only trying to take the Kingdom from the true rulers, their ways are also full of lies." Elias, moved closer to me, resting his head on his knees.
"That's what I needed to hear." His boyish smiled dance on his face again, and it caused my lips to curl into a smile. For the rest of the festival, we watched the lanterns flow up to the sky and fireworks sparkle in their different colors.
It was after that night, that we caused more mischief to the Council, to let them know that the throne was for royal blood, not liars.