Chapter Three : Explanation and Magic Circuts

Davis: "Merlin... The Mage of Flowers..... how come I've never heard about you?"

Merlin: "Ah, that is because I am from another universe entirely."

Merlins' answer left me with a questioning expression on my face, while this mage felt as though I could be safe and very trusting of him because of his appearance and sound of his relaxed voice, I still had many questions and had only just met the guy.

Davis: "Oooookay, so where exactly am I? Better yet what is this place?"

Merlin: "Oh, this place, is my tower, The Tower of Avalon, beautiful, is it not?"

Davis: "Yes this tower and all the surrounding land is indeed beatiful, it is ... like a wonderful dream."

Merlin: "Exactly, you are in a dream my friend, and further more you're in the realm of your own mind."

Davis: "Wait, how is all of this and you in my own mind when this is the first time even meeting you or even seeing this?"

Merlin: "Well it was your will to survive that brought you here, along with the help of Alaya of course, she guided you here using your own mind which contained your will to survive and made a pathway from that so that your soul could manage to take form and your will is to sustain your current form in The Tower."

This confused me even more as I looked on with a bewildered expression.

Davis: "How?....How is any of what you said possible?"

Merlin swayed side to side in a jester like way, with his in sing song like tone: "MMMMAAAAAAAGIIIIIIIIIIIIC~"

Davis: "Ma-gic, what is that exactly?"

Merlin: "Oooooh here were we go my favorite part, explaining magic. Weeeelll, magic is something of that of miracles to perform and to study...usually alone and in private; however, in your case you have MEEEEEEEE~ to help you."

He went on with sparkles in his eyes explaining the different magics as teaching others was something he very much liked to do.

Merlin: "Now being able to cast magic itself is a different matter, you need your magic circuts to be activated to perform magic, and to do that, you'll have to mana be run through your body, you'll have to take in mana throughout your entire body to activate these circuts; Furthermore, you need a mental switch, something to activate the circut itself to open the circuts, do you by chance have anything from your life experiences up to this point in your life to associate with a mental trigger?"

Davis: "I have a few ideas, could you give some sort if example so I could have something to go with?"

Merlin: "Ahh, lets see, mmm OH!!, A clash between blades, the strike of a hammer at a forge, the hooves of a horse trotting along, something along those lines."

Davis: "Alright I'll come up with something this is going to be awhile, sorry about that."

Merlin: "Oh no no no, don't be take all the time you need, more importantly, look within yourself, see what makes you move forward, what makes you shine most of all."

Thus began the search for his soon to be new found power.