Chapter Four : Memories and Choices

I looked to the past within my mind when memories that I've cherished for many years came to mind.

Panting on the ground behind a house surrounded by a fence I was at a point where I was near exhausted; however, I was able to get up again.

???: "Alright Davis, this'll the last sparring match of the day; and, your doing good so far, you've nearly landed a hit on me, keep it up."

Davis: "Yes, I'll make sure to score a hit this round."

I got back up to face the man before me Regashi, my Grandfather; or, well, adoptive grandfather to say, since I was adopted by him to say the least. As I got up, he lunged, I expected this as I've trained with him since being able to pick up a practice blade slowly progressing to being able to hold a noraml one handed blade, then two handed, which was at a young age to boot.

[Clink, Clink, Clink, Clink]

This was the sound of both our practice blades clashing with one another as we sparred, this has been some of my life since being adopted. The rest, comprised of learning about forging, hunting, cooking, artificing, studying about the world human anatomy, the body, martial arts, war tactics, danger beasts, some other minor topics but important according to Regashi, and learning about Regashis' life, mistakes, decisions, and choices. Though I managed to learn much, what I lacked was experience, I understood that the world wasn't a good place, I simply hadn't had the chance to experience said world nor did I learn how to.

I dropped low aiming for his solar solar plexius, I had a habit of making small gambles that usually throw my oppenet off, and this time with meticulous planning, it payed off. Regashi changed his stance in an instant and brought his practice blade down; however, I was much faster I switched my swinging to target his kneecap and....


Regashi: "AHG! Damnit!"

Regashi fell over for the first time ever he and I began sparring and ever since at all. At the time I felt adrenaline rushing throughout my entire body, my heart beating with excitement and with my practice blade pointed towards him on the ground I was calm in that moment.

Davis: "Seems as though I've made that hit and first victory."

I reached out my hand to help him up and as he got up he replied

Regashi: "Indeed, Davis- *huff* *huff* seems you've borne fruit with everything I've taught you and This Old Man is proud of you for all the hard work ya put up with, now lets go make something nice to celebrate this."

Being told I'm proud of you wasn't all too common, it was a good though that he never judged or berated mistakes, and told the truth as it was, so this, made me happy right here and this moment became one of my most cherished memories.

Davis: "Thanks GrandDad!!!"

My vision went black and soon another memory began to play, and this time I perched inside a tree, hidden and armed with a bow and arrow waiting for prey,

Regashi: 'Oi, look there, fresh game, now remember, eyes up, breathing calm focus on only the bow, arrow, the prey, and the kill.'

I took a deep breath entered my Trance, narrowed my eyes, and let the arrow go.