Chapter Five : Decision and Activation (Edited)

The arrow striking and killing the prey with crunch, meaning the arrow pierced the neck bone and instantly killed the prey.

Regashi : "A quick and clean kill, excellent, from here on hunting small wild game shouldn't be a two man operation, seeing as you've honed yourself to the point where you make the kill quick and clean, I'll let you hunt small game on your own; however, bigger danger beasts will require me to help or supervise, got it?"

Davis : "Yes sir!"

My vision went black and I opened my eyes to meet Merlin waiting for me to wake.

Merlin : "So how was memory lane?"

Davis : "Went well, I have found some triggers that could work; however, I've come up with something else for a mental trigger."

Merlin raises a brow with intrigue.

Merlin : "Oh, and what do you have in mind?"

Davis : "If I'm going to perform magic itself, I should something to that of a tide coming in, a tide of warmth, like what the sun or light itself provides, in fact, most of my memories had light in them, so I've a good and honest upbringing."

Merlin : "Hmmm, alright if that is what you have in mind I'm not opposed to your choice. Now for unlocking your circuts I will provide the mana and you'll have to kneel like you're meditating in order for this ritual to work."

Davis : "Alright, like this?" I asked as I knelt down in the middle of room.

Merlin : "Yes, Yes like that, now close your eyes and imagine that tide, that warmth, and the crash of the tide, that will be the trigger for your circuts."

While Merlin began producing mana to fill the room, it had a light blue hue similar to that of lapis lazuli. I was situated in the middle of the room taking in the mana. My vision went black and I beagn to hear sounds, children laughing, musoc being played, a festival carrying on, soldiers singing, all of those sounds reflected what I desire for the people, happiness. I opened my eyes and saw before me, the paradise I saw as I endured the toture and heartbreak Aria had dealt to me. I knew what this was, more than just a mere dream as anyone could dream, this is a teality carefully built within myself another world. Another Reality. I began chanting words in a dream like trance feeling the words being etched into my being, my soul.

Davis : "This reality, this dream, I will make this reality transcend time, space, and concept itself, I will do all and shall to give love and care to my people and allies and indifference, righteous justice, and fury to my enemies, just as the sun does. As I declare TRÄMUE DER SONNE"

As I finished my chant and the mana completed it's run through my magical circuts system, a beautiful golden warm colored light filled the room causing Merlin to avert his eyes and as the light faded, what Merlin saw was a changed man before him with golden and warm orange colored circuts that resonated the aura of a king this world was not ready for.

Merlin : "Davis, is that you, are you alright."

I rose from my spot feeling new, confident, happy, REBORN.

Davis : "HaHaha, Of course Merlin I feel absolutely wonderful, and much, MUCH stronger than ever in my life."