Chapter Six : Changes and Surprises

Merlin is shocked from the change in attitude and power coming by off of myself since the activation of my circuts.

Merlin : You've - changed, your attitude is different and your physique has under went much change, did your soul?..... AH! That's what it was, mental change within your mind and soul, it's directly proportional to your power and magic circut quality, you're still a young man on the outside; however, you've matured and aged your soul by what I can guess is by decades where you've accumulated battle experience and wisdom!"

Davis : "Indeed, these changes to myself I wasn't expecting them but I do welcome these changes. They will help me in making the reality I see realized."

Merlin : "Oh? And what reality do you have in mind" Merlin asked intrigued by my words.

Davis : "Simple, I'm going to conquer the corrupt empire, make it my kingdom, and give unto the stranded and captive people there love and care despite the fact that they are not my own."

Merlin raises an eyebrow being further intrigued and coming to a inward realization

Merlin : 'Hmm, I wonder if he'll be summoning particular servants revolving around these convictions, hmm, this'll be very interesting to watch, OH we must figure put his element and origin, this can help finding his path and character, at this point, his ideals and dreams, possibly morals as well can determine who he'll summoning to accomplish his goals.'

"Davis if you could, hold still for a second, there are two things I must figure out."

Davis : "Alright then, what is it that you-"

Both : WHOA!!!

Merlin attempted to figure out my origin and element which caused my body to shine brightly nearlyblinding the both of us and causing the temperature to rise; but, only to a point where we were both sweating and breathing like we just emerged from a fire.

Merlin : "Well goodness I didn't see that coming, hmmm, light and a rise in temperature and, oh... uhm Davis you're on fire."

I look at my own body to find flames burning.

Davis : "HMMM WHAT THE - oh I doesn't feel as though I've been set ablaze; but, hey, take a look at these flames."

The flames on my body were red and gold but emitted an orange glow as any other fire would red outer color, gold inner color, orange glow, similar to my eyes, both of which drew in the both of us, in a trance that says we should follow the flames and my eyes as well. Then Merlin looked up and his morphed into that of excitement.

Merlin : "OH, OH HOHOHOHO, DAVIS YOUR EYES, YOU HAVE MYSTIC EYES!!!" Merlin pointed out excitedly ignoring the flames.

Merlin was beside himself at the development of my mystic eyes, which bared the question

Davis : "Mystic Eyes?? What are Mystic Eyes?"

Merlin : "OH, those kinds of eyes are powerful sorceries that have one single action, but that action can have a serious affect and effect on the world, or, well, your world in this case, but still, big changes, as soon as possible we have to figure out what your eyes can do."

Davis : "Interesting, oh, that reminds me you said that you wanted to figure out some things, did you manage to figure out what you needed?

Merlin : "Yes on one hand, no on the other hand."

Davis : "Ah, I see, so what were you figuring out exactly?"

Merlin : "Ah, yes two very important aspects of being a magus, your origin and element."