Chapter Seven : Information and The start of Training

Davis : "Origin and Element. I can take a guess as to what element is and my own element likely being fire; but, origin? I haven't a clue."

Merlin : "Yes, origin, it is the very direction of ones' actions throughout life itself, it is also starting point in life so to speak.

This caused me contemplate about what my origin could be. Thinking, about the events up to now, from when I was found under the sun at its highest point all the way up to now, with my magical circuts, element, and high temperature. Thinking and taking into account about everything, I came to a singular conculsion, one that defines me, my path, and my actions.

Davis : "Sun."

Merlin : "Hmm?"

Davis : "Sun. It is my origin, nearly everything in my life has something to do with the sun, so it would make sense that my origin is 'Sun."

Merlin : "A very interesting answer to the mysterious question, unfortunately I haven't seen nor, encountered anyone with such an origin as that, so this is something you'll have to figure out on your journey of conquest, HOWEVER, you must be trained in your magecraft, since you can use one of the great elements, we'll start there."

With that last statement my magical training began.

A/N : Short chapter today